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What is the reason for creating flash back and how to solve it

Procreate is a very popular digital painting software, but some friends have experienced flash back problems, which may be due to a variety of reasons, such as:

  1. Insufficient device storage space;
  2. The application is outdated or needs to be updated;
  3. The device or application has errors or failures;
  4. There are too many system cache files.

The solution is as follows:

  1. Clean up the device storage space: delete unnecessary files and applications;
  2. Update application: Find Procreate in the app store and update it to the latest version;
  3. Restart the device: long press the power button, then slide to turn off the device, and then turn on the device again;
  4. Re install Procreate: uninstall Procreate from the App Store and then re install it;
  5. Clear system cache: enter device settings, select "Storage" or "Application", find Procreate and clear its cache.

If none of the above methods can solve the problem, it is recommended to contact Procreate's technical support team.

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