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Is there a free MySQL community version? What is a MySQL enterprise server

What is MySQL Community Edition?

A: MySQL Community Edition is a free download version of the world's popular open source database. It follows the GPL license agreement and is supported by a large and active community of open source developers. MySQL Community Edition includes: pluggable storage engine architecture Multiple storage engines: InnoDB MyISAM NDB (MySQL Cluster) Memory Merge Archive

Is there a free version of MySQL?

Answer: Expand all MySQL has a permanent free version There are also paid versions, but the paid version is more powerful If you do not want to accept the gpl protocol and do not want to open your source code, you need to purchase a commercial license If you accept the open source protocol, you can choose one of gpl and gpl foss as the MySQL protocol

Is MySQL open source free?

Answer: 1. The MySQL Community Server community version is open source and free, but does not provide official technical support. 2. The enterprise version of MySQL Enterprise Edition requires a fee and can be tried for 30 days. 3. MySQL Cluster, open source and free.

What is MySQL Enterprise Server?

Answer: MySQL Enterprise Server MySQL Enterprise Server is the most reliable, secure and updated version of MySQL enterprise server database. It can provide e-commerce, online transaction processing (OLTP), gigabit data warehouse applications, etc. at a high cost performance ratio. It supports ACID transaction processing and can provide complete commit, rollback, crash recovery and row level locking functions.

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