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Is Google ECS permanently free (Google Cloud's one-year free application method)

Google Cloud Cloud Server I use Google Cloud. Google Cloud should be the only cloud server provider that promises to provide the always free Always Free option at present. Other cloud service providers should only provide 12 months of free use option to new users.

Of course, Google Cloud provides an always free option for one year

Machine room in the United States

Single shared CPU core

600M memory

30G storage

Google Cloud Account Free Trial Application

1. Log in to the official Google Cloud website and register your account: On the homepage of the official website, we click Free Trial to register:


2. We fill in the country and region information, and we can see the description of the free amount of $300 valid for 12 months in the right column. Countries and regions select the real location, here I select China, check the agreement terms, click Agree and continue:

3. Next, we will fill in the personal data and credit card data. It will be fine if the personal data and credit card data are filled in truthfully.

4. Try to select an individual as the account type. After completing the personal data and credit card information, directly click the Start Free Trial option. Then you spend $1 in your credit card account, which is Google's purpose to confirm that you are not a robot used to verify your account. Within five minutes, you will receive a $1 consumption operation to cancel your account, and $1 will be returned to your account. The whole process is completely free. In addition, unless you actively confirm to upgrade to a paid account, the $300 grant will not be directly deducted from your credit card account after consumption.

5. After completing the payment, we log in to the Google Cloud console, click the navigation menu button in the upper left corner, and select Settlement to view the gift limit:

6. When we enter the settlement page, we can see the relevant quota information. If there are no other problems, we will see the bonus of $300 and the validity period of 365 days:

Guge Cloud creates VM instance

1. To create a VM instance, click the navigation menu option in the upper left corner, select Compute Engine, and select a VM instance from the submenu:

2. We enter the VM instance creation page and directly click the Create Instance option

3. Next, we will create VM instance configuration options as shown in the figure. VM instance name is customized, VM instance region is close to the beginning of Asia, and machine type is micro:

4. Next, we select the boot disk of the VM instance. Here, we need to change it to Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie) with a high success rate. Finally, remember to check Allow HTTP traffic and Allow HTTPS traffic. Finally, after setting, we click Create:

5. If we create successfully, a list of VM instances will appear, as shown in the following figure:

6. Next, we can test the connection speed of the VM instance we created. If the connection speed is good, we can continue the following operations. If the connection speed is poor, we can choose to rebuild the VM instance. Generally, the speed is good when the PING value is less than 100. We can access the IPIP to test the VM instance we created. Here we enter the external IP address of the VM instance we created, select a place near you in the front, and then click to view:

IPIP test address:

7. We can see the test results. If the time is within 100ms, the host connection speed is good, and we can proceed with the next SSR+BBR construction work:

8. If your VM instance test results show that the connection speed is not very good, then we can select the VM instance to delete and repeat the above steps for reconstruction until you find a VM instance with good connection speed:

Google Cloud Building SSR+BBR Tutorial

1. After the VM instance is created, we will install SSR and BBR. We choose to open in the browser window from the connection options at the end of the created VM instance name, and then formally enter the built configuration interface:

2. Next, we will enter the server background configuration interface, where we need to enter the relevant code for operation. For code input, please copy and paste the given code strictly to obtain root permission:

sudo -i

3. After obtaining root permission, we can install BBR acceleration:

wget -N –no-check-certificate && bash install

4. We will have a pop-up prompt during installation. Here, we can use the keyboard shortcut Tab to switch to No option, and then press Enter to continue:

5. We wait for a while until we get the following figure and see the relevant text prompt. After the installation is successful, we will be prompted to restart VPS. We can enter the letter y and press Enter. If the restart speed is slow, we can press Enter twice in succession to restart VPS quickly:

6. After the VPS host restarts successfully, we continue code operations to obtain root permissions:

sudo -i

7. Copy and paste the BBR acceleration code until we see the following figure:

bash start

8. Continue to enter the SSR installation code:

wget –no-check-certificate && chmod +x

9. Copy and paste the SSR related configuration code until we see it as shown in the figure. Next, we need to set the SSR password, port number, encryption mode, protocol, and obfuscation mode. We can customize the SSR password, and press Enter by default for the rest:


10. After the configuration of SSR is completed, we go back all the way and wait for a while until we get the picture as shown in the figure, so we have completed the construction of SSR+BBR on Google Cloud. We copy and save the following information, which we will use when using the SSR client.

11. After installing SSR and BBR, we need to set the Internet IP address as static to ensure the stability of the IP address. We select the navigation menu in the upper left corner, select VPC network, and select the Internet IP address option in the submenu:

12. We went to the Internet IP address page, and found the IP address we created. The IP address type is divided into temporary and static. We changed the IP address to static. At this time, we will have a pop-up message that we need to enter. We can just choose a name and click Keep. Note that only one static IP address can be reserved under the same host address, otherwise a Quota 'STATIC_ADDRESSES' exceeded will be received Limit: 1.0 in region asia-east1 prompt.

13. Next, we set the firewall rules. We find the firewall rules in the VPC network on the sidebar:

14. We need to set the protocol/port number of http server and https server respectively:

15. We directly click the names of http server and https server to enter the details page and click the Modify button to set the port. The port number here is the port number of the SSR we just got after installing the SSR and BBR. The input mode is English, otherwise an error will appear. Remember to click Save after input.

16. After the above work is completed, we can download the client of SSR for relevant configuration. The download address of SSR can be downloaded by visiting the official website address of SSR according to the personal device.

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