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Does ECS support the php environment (how to build the php running environment)

Does ECS support the php environment? How to build an ECS php environment? Yes. PHP is an open source scripting language executed on the server side. Similar to C, it is a commonly used website programming language. Common programming languages are asp, asp. net, php, JSP, etc.

Most php environments run on Linux systems, such as Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, etc. These systems are common on many cloud server merchant platforms, such as Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, and Yitan Cloud. Then you can install pagoda panels, cloud helpers, small skin panels, etc. The fastest way to build a php environment is to click!

In terms of security, relatively speaking, the security of ASP is lower. But this is only relative. In terms of website programming, security is more related to website developers than the language itself. For example, ASP has many common vulnerabilities, but as long as more attention is paid to website construction, most of the security risks can be avoided. PHP is relatively more complete, and generally PHP is built on the Linux host, so there are fewer vulnerabilities in Linux and PHP.

Linux server systems mainly include Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS and other systems. These are excellent open source systems for Linux, with different functions and slightly different pages and operating procedures.

Ubuntu has a beautiful operating interface, a sound package management platform, strong software source support, and a rich technical community; Compared with Ubuntu, Debian system is not too flashy and stable; CentOS system is the best choice for novices to equip ECS.

How to build an ECS php running environment?

1. Cloud Helper

The management scope of cloud helper includes host system, network, system, port, and IP. Compared with the pagoda, the security function can only be said to be basically satisfied, with vulnerability detection and repair functions, as well as some prevention functions (anti ping, port switch, etc.).

Installation method: It is very convenient to add a deployment server directly through the client, instead of installing it after the client's remote server. You just need to download the software and install it locally, which is silly.

2. Pagoda panel

My pagoda panel was installed on the server according to the prompts. When I wanted to see the web panel, I was prompted that an error was reported. The help netizen said that it was recommended to install the pure version system if the php was not uninstalled cleanly. The pagoda basically has the same functions as the cloud helper, but no system detection, exception detection, and system repair functions are found. Many extensions and functions, some of which are commercial plug-ins!

Installation method: Install directly through the command. There are basically two commands. After the basic execution, the installation is completed!

Use the SSH connection tool, such as the Castle SSH terminal, to connect to your Linux server, and then mount the disk,

Start the installation by executing the corresponding command according to the system (about 2 minutes to complete the panel installation):

Centos installation script
install -y wget && wget -O && sh

Ubuntu/Deepin installation script
-O &&
sudo bash

Debian installation script
-O &&

Fedora installation script
-O && bash

Note: The pagoda panel must be installed for new systems that have not installed other environments, such as Apache/Nginx/php/MySQL. It is recommended to use the centos 8. X system

last: In short, the above two Linux environment panels are suitable for novices. In fact, many veterans also use them, because no one wants to spend a lot of time building an environment.

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