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Detailed explanation of installing netstat command under Linux system

Netstat (derived from network and statistics) is a command line utility used by system administrators to analyze network statistics. It displays complete statistical information, such as open ports and corresponding addresses on the host system, routing tables, and masquerade connections.

In this article, we will guide you step by step through how to install the netstat command in different Linux distributions.

The package containing netstat is called net tools. On modern systems, the netstat utility is pre installed and therefore does not need to be installed.

However, on older systems, running the netstat command may encounter errors. Therefore, to install netstat on a Linux distribution, run the command.

# yum install net-tools [On CentOS/RHEL] # apt install net-tools [On Debian/Ubuntu] # zypper install net-tools [On OpenSuse] # pacman -S netstat-nat [On Arch Linux]

After installation, run the following command to check the installed version of netstat.

# netstat -v

The above is the detailed explanation of the netstat command installed under the Linux system.

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