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How to map a model Blender uses UV mapping to add a map to a model

Blender is a free and open source 3D production software. When we use blende modeling, we often add materials to the model. If different materials are pasted on every side, how can Blender map the model? Let's take a look at the tutorial of Blender adding a map to the model using UV mapping.

1. Bender opens a model.

2. Select this model to enter the UV Editing window.

3. Select Edit Mode, Wireframe, Face Selection Tool from left to right at the bottom.

4. Select All Faces. Press the "A" key on the keyboard to select all, or press and hold the "Shift" key to select one by one. Then press the "U" key on the keyboard, select "Unfold along the active west side", select "Uniform" to confirm, and the unfolded UV style is on the right.

5. Click the mouse into the expanded UV on the left, press "A" to select all, press "S" to zoom, "G" to move, and zoom the expanded UV to the appropriate size of the gray table.

6. Click "New" at the bottom to create a map image, fill in the name with "tietu", and the color is white, which can be set flexibly.

7. Select "Picture Drawing" on the left at the bottom, "Texture Painting" on the right, "Slot" on the top, "Image" on the "Painting Mode", and "Canvas Image" on the created "tietu".

8. Select "Entity" at the bottom, and then select the brush style and color in the "Tools" at the top to paint directly on the model, or mark "each face". The map expanded on the left will be modified in linkage.

9. At the bottom, select "Image" – "Save as image", and select the save location to save directly as the default "tietu. jpg" name.

10. Then we get a picture, open it in gimp, draw your favorite effect on the unfolded part of the uv, save the picture, and then in blender, at the bottom, "Image" – "Reload Image", the map will be refreshed.

This is how Blender demonstrates the operation of adding a UV map to the model.

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