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Where is the sketchbook eraser? Simple and practical method of sketchbook eraser

Sketchbook is one of the most popular software in tablet software at present. We often need to erase lines in painting, so the eraser is also one of the most commonly used tools. Many novice friends are not very skilled in Sketchbook at the beginning, and can not find the location of the eraser tool in the software. Now let's look at where the sketchbook eraser is and how to use it.

Whether it's a tablet version of sketchbook or a mobile version of Wonderful Brush Flower, the eraser is in the brush library, not in the menu bar. Open the brush library in sketchbook, you can see two erasers, one is a hard eraser, the other is a soft eraser

After selecting a suitable eraser, you can also adjust the size and opacity of the eraser tool, which is also very convenient to use.

In addition to erasers, we can also remove layers by deleting them, or hide unwanted layers. For example, when drafts are used up, individual draft layers can be hidden. The layers are located next to the color ring in the upper right corner of the canvas. Click to see all the current layers. Each layer has a small eye in the upper left corner, After clicking, the layer will be hidden.

This is an introduction to where and how to use the sketchbook eraser.

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