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What is the difference between flat coating and thick coating (comparison in three aspects)

Many students who study illustration will find a problem, that is why they gradually begin to learn thick painting at the end of illustration, or why illustrators like thick painting? Is it because thick coating is more high-end? Is thick coating better? What is the difference between flat coating and thick coating? Let's have a look.

1. Different foundations: flat painting is based on sketch, and attaches importance to fast and concise expression, suitable for comics and animation; Thick painting is based on sketch and attaches importance to the relationship between black, white and gray light and shadow, which is suitable for illustration.

2. Different characteristics: flat coating is characterized by obvious boundaries between excessive colors and obvious decomposition lines between light and dark surfaces. Thick coating is to use brushes and techniques to stack colors slowly. It has a strong three-dimensional sense, high technical requirements, rich colors and many textures.

3. Different advantages: the advantage of flat painting is that it can express materials relatively clearly. The thicker the painting, the clearer the structure expression, and the more layered the light and shadow. The advantage of thick coating is that there is no obvious color boundary, the excessive color change is very natural, the light dark surface boundary is not obvious, and there are soft shadows and reflections.

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