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How to install ruby on mac (Mac installation of ruby tutorial)

1. Use homebrew to install rbenv

 brew install rbenv

2. Explanation of common commands

 rbenv install -- list  #List all ruby versions rbenv install two . zero -p247 #Install the required ruby version rbenv versions #All installed ruby versions rbenv global  one point eight . seven -p352 #Set global ruby version rbenv local one point nine . seven  #Set the ruby version of the current folder rbenv uninstall two  #Uninstall the specified ruby version

3. Install ruby

 rbenv install two point seven . zero

After the installation is successful, we make it effective in the local environment:

 rbenv shell two point seven . zero

An error may be reported after the above command is entered. Rbenv prompts us to add a line of eval "$(rbenv init -)" statement in. zshrc to initialize the rbenv environment. If an error is reported, we can add and restart the terminal.

 $ ruby -v       ruby two point seven .0p0 ( two thousand and nineteen - twelve - twenty-five revision 647ee6f091) [x86_64-darwin20] $ which ruby /Users/lee980/.rbenv/shims/ruby
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