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How to implement the operation permission of a directory folder given to users by Linux

Linux gives users permission to operate a folder. Here we use ubuntu16.04 to see the specific operations.

Linux file or directory permissions are divided into three types: read, write, and executable permissions. Users accessing files can be divided into three categories: file creator, users in the same group as the file creator, and other users.

 Insert picture description here
Add User

 useradd -d /var/www/html   webadmin
 passwd  webadmin

Add user to group

 Example: usermod - G groupA username usermod -G webadmin webadmin

#Change the directory/var/www/html and all files and subdirectories under it to webadmin and webadmin groups

 chown -R webadmin:webadmin /var/www/html

#Set permissions for directory/var/www/html

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