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WordPress website recommends several suitable Chinese blog topics

At present, many individual webmasters or enterprise users in China will choose to use WordPress to build a website, which is mainly due to the free use of WordPress program itself, easy installation, and simple and intuitive background management interface. You can use the theme template or plug-in of its official website or third-party platform to quickly build a website. This article will recommend several good WordPress Chinese blog topics, which can be downloaded and installed by your friends in need.

WordPress Chinese Blog Theme Recommendation I, JustNews Theme

The JustNews theme is specially designed and developed for blog, We Media, and information websites. It is adaptive and compatible with mobile phones and tablet devices, supports front-end user centers, and can publish/submit articles front-end. At the same time, the theme supports the feature function, and can add article features. Built in a new WordPress theme visual editor, users can easily and quickly build their own pages by simply dragging and dropping settings. You can purchase this theme on the WPCOM website.

WordPress Chinese Blog Topic Recommendation II. Blog X

Blog X is a WordPress Chinese blog theme originally designed and developed by the theme Baba team. The home page of this theme can display well-designed content modules such as slide top articles and topic lists, which are very attractive to website users. The theme is also equipped with a powerful background control panel, so you can set various details and functions of the theme and website with a click of the mouse without touching any code. One time purchase, permanent free update.

WordPress Chinese Blog Topic Recommendation 3, Blog 2

Blog No. 2 is also a WordPress Chinese blog theme originally designed and developed by the theme Baba team. It has a beautiful top navigation bar, the home slide shows the top articles, the home page shows the article reading rankings and comment rankings, the article list automatically obtains three thumbnails, the chapter shows the built-in photo album, the thumbnail (characteristic pictures) automatic clipping function Sidebar advertising display function, etc. In addition, the article page supports Baidu sharing, like function, reward author function, display related/popular articles, author description, etc.

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