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The process record of how to migrate Weebly website to WordPress website

WordPress itself is a completely free open source software, and has many free or paid theme templates and plug-ins. You can use them to easily design blogs, online stores and other types of websites. In order to ensure the smooth migration of Weebly website to WordPress, you need to make the following preparations.

1. Register domain name

To migrate the WEEBLY website to WordPress, you need to purchase and register a new domain name. Although Weebly has a free program, it provides domain names like Therefore, to switch to WordPress, you need to select a trusted domain name registrar to purchase and register the required domain name. Of course, if you have previously registered a domain name and the domain name is still valid, you can continue to use it.

2. Purchase host space

After the website domain name is ready, you need to purchase appropriate host space to run WordPress. It is recommended to select an optimized WordPress host, such as BlueHost virtual host. The annual payment package for these hosts usually includes a free domain name. You can also choose to use this free domain name and renew it after expiration.

3. Install WordPress

The next step after getting hosted is to install WordPress. If you use a BlueHost virtual host (Hong Kong host/US host/European host/India host is optional), you can install WordPress with the cPanel or Plesk panel installed in advance, and configure it according to the installation wizard. The operation is very simple.

After the installation of WordPress is successful, you can use the Feed RSS Aggregator plug-in to automatically migrate the Weebly website to WordPress. The main steps are as follows:

① Log in to the WordPress background, select Plugins>Add New in the dashboard, search for the Feedzy RSS Aggregator plug-in, install and activate it, this plug-in will grab your Weebly website RSS feed, and use it to create articles on your WordPress website.

② After activating the Feedzy RSS Aggregator plug-in, find and click the main tab in your WordPress dashboard. Click the Import Posts tab to create a new import and grab articles from the Weebly website. After entering the relevant section, click the New Import button, which will take you to the main configuration options of the plug-in, allowing you to import RSS feeds from the Weebly site.

③ After filling in all the options, click Save&Activate to save the settings. If nothing happens, the articles on your Weebly website will be imported into WordPress. Next, you can also use related plug-ins to import the pages and media images of the Weebly website into WordPress.

First, go to your Weebly website to download the plug-in pages and HTML files. Then, you can use the HTML Import plug-in to insert pages from the Weebly website and import them into WordPress.

As for pictures, you can download them from the Weebly website and upload them to your WordPress website manually. You can also upload in batches via FTP or SFTP to save time.

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