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Warner Cloud 618 promotion activity - HK/US advanced defense 5 fold cloud server 25% off

Today, we can see that the old brand Warner cloud service provider announced the activity of promoting 618 in the middle of the year. From May 20 to June 30, the advanced anti DDoS will be 5% off/physical server will be 6% off, and the cloud server will be 2.5% off (10M CN2 GIA will be 24 yuan/month). The specific activities of Warner Cloud 618 are as follows: 1) 25% off for ECS (10M CN2 GIA 24 yuan/month); 2) 30% off for physical server (50M as low as 688 yuan/month, same price for renewal); 3) The advanced anti DDoS server is 5 yuan (1188 yuan/month for 30G defense, the same price for renewal); 4) Exclusive for new users (register as a Warner Cloud member and receive 3280+yuan cash coupon).

 Warner Cloud 618 promotion activity - HK/US advanced defense 5 fold cloud server 25% off

1. Warner Cloud Server Limited

During the event, at 14:00, 17:00, 20:00 and 22:00 every day, four filing free overseas cloud servers were opened on time, and each ID was limited to one.

Hong Kong Cloud Test IP:

US Cloud Test IP:

Exclusive for new customers. Four overseas cloud servers are opened at 10:00, 14:00, 17:00 and 20:00 every day. The 2M CN2GIA is as low as 368 yuan/year, and each new customer is limited to one.

2. Warner Cloud Physical Server Zone

Optional physical servers in Hong Kong, China, Hong Kong, and the United States

20% off for Hong Kong physical servers – same price for renewal

Hong Kong server 10M CN2 GIA+international BGP redundant self-healing network, 3 IPs by default.

Hong Kong server test IP:

Hong Kong broadband server - same price for renewal

Exclusive optimized bandwidth of more than 50M, with 3 IP addresses by default. It is suitable for high intensive network throughput and other large bandwidth services.

Warner Cloud Test IP:

US servers – same price for renewal

100M international bandwidth or 50M CN2 GIA can be selected, and 20G DDoS defense will be presented as a gift. The default is 3 IPs.

Test IP:

3. Warner Cloud Advanced Anti DDoS Server Zone

Advanced defense in Hong Kong, China

Self developed firewall, direct connection cleaning in moving direction, support T-level defense, and support pressure test. One management IP+two defense IP, which can be customized. Test IP:

American advanced anti DDoS server

Los Angeles Traffic Cleaning Center, with over 800G local cleaning traffic, supports pressure testing, top-level hardware firewall, supports resistance to DDoS full variety attacks, three defense IP, and 50M bandwidth.

Test IP:

4. Warner Cloud US advanced anti DDoS ECS – unlimited traffic

CN2 GIA+BGP network, with 800G DDoS defense capability, supports elastic upgrade. Test IP:

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