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Laika Cloud Hong Kong/South Korea/America/Zhenjiang/Suqian/Shaoxing/Chengdu high-speed cloud server as low as 20 yuan/month

Lycra Cloud is an old brand cloud computing service provider in China, focusing on basic cloud computing, game cloud and other services. It uses BGP multi line access and directly connects to China Telecom CN2 network, strongly guaranteeing to provide customers with high-quality and stable network resources and computer room services. Independent server products are available, including ECS, cluster server, CDN and other types. Various regions are available, such as advanced defense servers in China, Hong Kong, the United States, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Southeast Asia and other computer rooms. This time, we have brought you a special offer. If you need it, you can check the offer.



Official website:

This Leica Cloud has brought an unlimited time limited second kill activity. According to the popular and best-selling products, we recommend them carefully, simplify the complexity, and quickly open them for use.

region CPU Memory Hard disk bandwidth IP Price
Hong Kong BGP 2 cores 2G 30G 10M 1 20 yuan/month
Hong Kong CN2 2 cores 2G 30G 20M 1 38.8 yuan/month
US CN2 2 cores 2G 30G 20M 1 29.9 yuan/month
Hong Kong BGP annual payment special 4-core 2G 30G 10M 1 399 yuan/month
Hong Kong CN2 Special 4-core 4G 30G 10M 1 499 yuan/month
US CN2 annual special 8 cores 4G 40G 30M 1 499 yuan/month


These are some products. If you have other needs, just contact the official customer service online.

Leica Cloud We also launched application templates. Many programs and websites do not need our own deployment, such as pagoda, wordpress and other templates. I heard that we will continue to update and optimize them later. This has brought great convenience to some entry-level operators. If you are interested, you can check it out.


In addition, Leica Cloud also provides game cloud services


If you are interested, you can visit the official website of Leica Cloud: Take a look at the content of this activity

Do not reprint without permission: Cheap VPS evaluation » Laika Cloud Hong Kong/South Korea/America/Zhenjiang/Suqian/Shaoxing/Chengdu high-speed cloud server as low as 20 yuan/month