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What are the code management tools

The code management tool is used to coordinate and manage the source code, version control and team collaboration in the software development process. The following are some common code management tools:

  1. Git: Git is the most popular distributed version control system, which is used to track and manage project source code. It has powerful branching and merging functions, supports multi person collaborative development, and has a wide range of ecosystems.
  2. SVN (Subversion): SVN is a centralized version control system and a commonly used code management tool. It allows multi person collaborative development, and provides version control, file history, conflict resolution and other functions.
  3. Mercurial: Mercurial is a distributed version control system, similar to Git. It provides high-performance, easy-to-use code management functions, and supports collaborative development by multiple people.
  4. Perforce: Perforce is a commercial centralized version control system, suitable for large projects and teams. It provides a highly customizable workflow, supports multiple development branches, file locking and other functions.
  5. CVS (Concurrent Versions System): CVS is an old but still used centralized version control system. It is mainly used to manage and track the change history of code.

In addition to the above common code management tools, there are other tools for code management and collaboration, such as:

  • Bitbucket: a code hosting platform based on Git and Mercurial, which provides source code management, problem tracking, team collaboration and other functions.
  • GitHub: Git based code hosting platform, widely used for open source projects and community cooperation.
  • GitLab: Similar to GitHub, it provides code hosting, CI/CD, problem tracking and other functions, and can be used as a self hosting solution for private deployment.

These code management tools have their own characteristics and advantages under different scenarios and requirements. It is very important to select the tools that are suitable for your team and project.

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