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How do two vlookup tables match the same data

In MySQL, you can use JOIN statements to implement functions similar to the VLOOKUP function in Excel to match the same data in two tables. Here is an example:

Suppose we have two tables: Table A and Table B, both of which have a common column "common_column".

 SELECT A.common_column, A.other_column, B.other_column FROM tableA AS A JOIN tableB AS B ON A.common_column = B.common_column;

This query will return the records that match successfully, and display other column data in Table A and Table B. In this example, we use INNER JOIN, which only returns matching records that exist in both tables. If you want to include records that are not matched in Table A, you can use LEFT JOIN or RIGHT JOIN.

If you need to match according to multiple columns, you only need to add more equivalence judgments in the JOIN condition.

 SELECT A.common_column, A.other_column, B.other_column FROM tableA AS A JOIN tableB AS B ON A.common_column1 = B.common_column1 AND A.common_column2 = B.common_column2;

In this way, you can match according to multiple columns.

Please note that when performing JOIN operations, ensure that the relevant columns have appropriate indexes to obtain the best query performance.

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