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Six vendors who provide Canada VPS independent server rental recommend 2023

Canada, also in North America, is another popular overseas host besides the United States. Its performance indicators are basically the same as those of American servers. Of course, there is no advantage in price. After all, there are relatively few businesses. This article has sorted out several businesses that provide Canada VPS, cloud servers and independent servers for your reference.


Established in 2019, Chinese merchants are currently mainly engaged in CN2 GIA VPS in Los Angeles and San Jose on the west coast of the United States. In addition, there are data centers in Toronto, Canada, London, Japan, Hong Kong, China and Shanghai. The advantages of MoeCloud are the native IP in the United States, good bandwidth quality, good performance, and high cost performance. MoeCloud supports multiple languages and Alipay payment.

CPU Memory SSD flow bandwidth IPv4 Price address
1 core 1G 20G 3T/month 100M one 99 yuan/year link
1 core 1G 20G 5T/month 500M one 199 yuan/year link
2 cores 2G 20G 10T/month 1G one 48.3 yuan/month link
4-core 4G 30G 20T/month 1G one 97.3 yuan/month link
6 cores 8G 40G 40T/month 1G one 195.3 yuan/month link

Note: The system will not shut down after the traffic exceeds the limit of 10Mbps bandwidth!


The Canadian host company established in 2010, headquartered in Quebec, Canada, is mainly engaged in virtual host and VPS. Its servers have high configuration (large hard disk), unlimited flow, low price, stable speed, Xen virtualization technology, optional Windows and Linux systems, and 24-hour technical support.

CPU Memory Hard disk Price purchase
1 core 1G 1T $29/year link
2 cores 2G 4T $36/year link


The American hosting company established in 2014 aims to provide the world's best combination of price, speed, quality and intelligent implementation of network hosting services. At present, its main business is virtual hosting and dealer hosting, Linux vps,windows vps, Game servers, etc. The data centers include Warsaw, Poland, Limburg, Germany, Strasbourg, France, London, Canada, Boanuwa, Mount Venter, America, Asia and Singapore. REGXA supports credit card, PayPal, cryptocurrency and other payment methods.

Memory CPU NVMe Price purchase
2G 2 cores 35G $15/month link
4G 2 cores 60G $30/month link
6G 4-core 100G $50/month link
8G 4-core 150G $90/month link


The Russian merchant established in 2006 is mainly engaged in the service of Russian VPS, including the unlimited flow KVM architecture VPS server of Moscow Rostelecom, Moscow DataLine, Novosibirsk Admin, and Moscow Fiord. The biggest advantage is that it supports arbitrary room switching and free IP replacement, arbitrary use of 200Mbps large bandwidth port traffic, and independent configuration. Alipay and PAYPAL payment are supported. At present, the JustHost machine room has expanded to many countries in North America, Asia and Europe, including Canada.

Memory CPU Hard disk flow bandwidth Price purchase
512M 1 core 5G NVME unlimited 200M 16 yuan/month link
512M 1 core 5G SSD unlimited 200M 15 yuan/month link
512M 2 cores 5G HDD unlimited 200M 12 yuan/month link


An Indian merchant established in 2018, with computer rooms in Los Angeles, Dallas, Jacksonville, Lube, Canada, Moscow, Russia and Mumbai, India. Hostnamaste VPS adopts the mainstream OpenVZ and KVM architecture, with IPV6 and Windows system options, SolusVM management panel, Alipay and paypal and other payment methods.

CPU Memory Hard disk bandwidth flow Price purchase
1 core 1G 30G 1G 1T $24/year link
2 cores 2G 60G 1G 2T $36/year link
2 cores 3G 90G 1G 3T $48/year link

6. Ouluyun

OuLuCloud, Hong Kong merchants mainly focus on advanced anti DDoS cloud servers. Currently, there are CN2 GIA/AS9929 line VPS in Los Angeles, USA, OVH advanced anti DDoS VPS in West America, OVH advanced anti DDoS VPS in Canada, and CN2 GIA VPS in Hong Kong.

Memory CPU SSD flow defense bandwidth Price
1G(1-32G ) 1 core (1-16 cores) 30G unlimited 480G 50M 17 yuan/month
2G(1-32G ) 2 cores (1-16 cores) 30G unlimited 480G 50M 37 yuan/month
4G(1-32G) 4 cores (1-16 cores) 30G unlimited 480G 50M 68 yuan/month
8G(1-32G ) 4 cores (1-16 cores) 30G unlimited 480G 50M 102 yuan/month

At present, there may not be many servers in Canada, but the resources are sufficient. However, most of the Canadian servers are routed through the United States, so friends with North American business may consider it.

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