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How to call out the missing java toolbar

If your Java toolbar is missing, you can try the following methods to call it out:

  1. Restore default settings: In the Java control panel, switch to the Advanced tab and click Restore Default Settings. This will reset all settings of the Java control panel, including the display of the toolbar.
  2. Show hidden toolbars: Check whether the toolbars are hidden accidentally. In the View menu of the Java control panel, confirm that the Toolbar option has been checked. If not checked, click this option to display the toolbar.
  3. Updating Java version: Sometimes, the old version of Java may cause some display problems. Try updating to the latest version of Java to ensure that you are using a stable and compatible version.
  4. Reinstall Java: If the above methods are invalid, you can try to reinstall Java. First, uninstall the currently installed Java version in the control panel, and then download and install the latest version of Java from the official Oracle website.

If the above methods still fail to solve the problem, it is recommended to check the operating system settings or contact the Java technical support team for further help.

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