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How to set transparency in html

In HTML, you can use CSS attributes opacity To set the transparency of the element. This attribute accepts a value between 0 and 1, where 0 means completely transparent and 1 means completely opaque.

The following is an example of how to set the transparency of an element to 50%:

 < div  style = "opacity: 0.5;" > This is an element with 50% transparency. </ div >

In this example, by using the style Specified in the attribute opacity: 0.5 , will <div> The transparency of the element is set to 50%.

Note that using the opacity Attributes affect everything inside an element, including text and child elements. If you only want to change the transparency of the background and keep the content unaffected, you can consider using rgba() Function to set the transparency of the background color, or use the background-color Attribute combination rgba() To achieve a transparent background.

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