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What to do if the iframe nested page cannot be loaded

If the nested iframe page cannot be loaded, you can try the following steps to solve the problem:

  1. Check the URL and path: ensure that the src attribute of the nested iframe points to the correct URL and that the path is accessible. Check for spelling errors or missing slashes.
 < iframe  src = " " > </ iframe >
  1. Check cross domain access restrictions: In some cases, the browser will apply cross domain access restrictions to prevent loading content from one domain name to another. Ensure that your parent page and nested iframe page are under the same domain name, or have corresponding cross domain access rights.
  2. Check the loading status of nested pages: use developer tools (such as the browser's developer console) to check the network requests and error messages of nested pages. Check for load failures, network errors, or other related problems.
  3. Processing load delay: If a nested page contains a lot of content or depends on external resources (such as pictures and scripts), it may cause load delay. Please wait patiently for a while to ensure that the network connection is normal and try to refresh the page.
  4. Consider the browser's security policy: Some browsers may impose stricter security policy restrictions on the loading of iframes. You can try to test the page loading on other browsers, or check whether the browser's security settings have special requirements for nested iframes.

If you have tried the above methods and still cannot solve the problem, it is recommended to further check and debug the relevant code to find out the specific reason why the nested page cannot be loaded.

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