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How to write two conditions in python's if statement

In Python if Statement, you can use the following methods to write two conditions:

  1. Use logical operators and : Use the two conditions and Connected, the entire conditional expression is considered true only when both conditions are true. For example:
 x = five y = ten

 if x > zero  and y > zero : print ( "X and y are both greater than 0" ) #Output: x and y are both greater than 0

In the above example, if The conditional part of the statement uses and Operator, required x and y The condition is met when both are greater than 0.

  1. Use logical operators or : Use the two conditions or If any condition is true, the entire conditional expression will be considered true. For example:
 age = twenty-five nationality = "USA"

 if age >= eighteen  or nationality == "USA" : print ( "Adult or American" ) #Output: adult or American

In the above example, if The conditional part of the statement uses or Operator, as long as age Greater than or equal to 18 or nationality If it is "USA", the condition is met.

It should be noted that according to specific requirements, parentheses can be used to control the priority of conditional expressions to meet more complex conditional logic. For example:

 x = five y = ten

 if (x > zero ) and (y > zero ): print ( "X and y are both greater than 0" )

In this example, the condition is explicitly specified using parentheses x > 0 and y > 0 Priority of.

By using logical operators and or or And parentheses to combine multiple conditions, which can build more complex conditional expressions to meet different judgment requirements.

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