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Failed to report after being sold! Have you ever tried this?

10 "golden rules" for reporting

 Failed to report after being sold! Have you ever tried this?

Before reporting, you should know the following:

one "Co selling" does not necessarily mean "infringement", Without infringement, you cannot successfully report through the Report a Violation tool. As long as the goods sold with you are genuine products of your brand, no matter which channel the goods come from, they do not infringe your intellectual property rights, Only when you can prove that the product is fake can you report it; If the co sold goods are authentic, you cannot use this tool to report successfully.

two Is the trademark valid in the reported area? first, The trademark must be an R mark to meet the reporting requirements. In addition, trademark protection has a regional character. A country or region has its own trademark law or local trademark treaty The granted trademark right is only valid in the country or region and has no binding force on other countries or countries outside the region. Seagoing sellers are suggested to arrange new sites and apply for local trademarks as soon as possible to fill trademark loopholes so as to reduce the risk of infringement and protect their own rights and interests.

three When submitting the proof link, please note:

A. The timeliness of the evidence link:

Does the image link uploaded to the Internet have an expiration date? Do you need a login password? It is necessary to ensure that relevant Amazon teams can still access these evidences during audit.

The link for adducing evidence needs to be created before the reported infringement occurs.

B In the reporting process, we can't just provide the link of proof, but lack of argument. It is also necessary to describe in detail which position on the product page is suspected of infringing its own copyright.

C The trademark number cannot replace the copyright registration number. Due to the nature of copyright, it is not necessary for sellers to register copyright and submit trademark number as copyright registration number.

10 "golden rules" for reporting

1. Before reporting, it is necessary to identify whether the following sale involves the sale of counterfeit goods.

2. The following types of infringement shall be reported effectively

Test buy information of:

Trademark product packaging - offer level

(My trademark is on the product or its package)

Copyright product packaging-offer level

(The real product or its package belongs to or contains copyright content)

Design right/patent - offer level

(Potential violation of design patent)

3. Do not use trademarks of other regions/countries, pending

Trademark and other invalid trademarks report trademark infringement.

4. To report copyright infringement, provide authentic, effective

Accessible evidentiary links.

5. When reporting copyright infringement, specific descriptive information should be given, such as the specific location of the infringing content judge

Basis of infringement.

6. Do not continuously submit or repeatedly submit inaccurate or false

Report from.

7. Non intellectual property violations should not be reported

Violation tools should be reported through the seller's platform.

8. Do not use accounts with serious health problems

The account initiates a report, such as the account status rating is not reached

"Healthy" status, or involving multiple unresolved knowledge

Property right complaint.

9. If the whistleblower has an offer to be reported

Under ASIN, it belongs to the category of unreasonable reporting.

10. Do not report non infringing acts that contain compatibility descriptions.

How to prevent malicious co selling from the source and protect the brand?

It is impossible for a seller to keep an eye on whether his brand has been sold; At the same time, it is really troublesome to deal with reports, which affects the operational efficiency. Is there any way to fundamentally prevent malicious co selling and solve the seller's worries?

Amazon Transparency can be said to be the gospel of brand sellers' "endless calls". It is a favorable guarantee for sellers to fundamentally protect their brand rights, eliminate infringement and improve operational efficiency!

1. What is Amazon's transparent plan

Amazon Transparency aims to crack down on counterfeit products to protect the interests of brand owners and buyers. The biggest feature is to fundamentally eliminate malicious co selling.

Products participating in the "Transparency Program" will be posted Transparency code This is a unique code.

After the brand seller joins the transparency plan, if certain conditions are met, the buyer has the opportunity to see the "small blue logo" on the Amazon page to trust the brand. The buyer can know the authenticity of the product and relevant information of the product by scanning the barcode on the product's outer package with Amazon App.

2. Dual protection mechanism of transparent plan

First layer protection: Listing protection

If ASIN turns on protection. The seller searches for ASIN in the background, and the page created to follow the sale will change from "sell your" to "request approval". The seller who wants to sell the ASIN will be required to provide five valid transparency codes.

The second layer of protection: Verification of receipt/shipment

• For sellers who ship products through FBA, they will check whether the Transparency label is correctly applied to the outer packaging of the goods when entering and exiting the warehouse.

• For the self delivery seller, the independent and non duplicate Transparency code, which is equal to the number of goods delivered, needs to be returned for verification at the same time of delivery. Self delivery sellers must provide the correct Transparency code before they can sell.

Note: After ASIN opens the protection, you, as the brand, must ensure that all stores, channels and sites are correctly labeled. Missing labels, incorrect labels or false labels will be marked as not for sale by the warehouse. Only brands have the right to apply for codes, and each code is unique.

3. Compliance evaluation function of transparent plan

Join the transparency program to unlock the official Small card Function! There are already sellers who are qualified to put "small cards" in the package!

After the consumer receives the goods, there will be a warm small card in the package App Scanning the code can immediately verify the authenticity of the goods. This Transparency bar code is the protection of authentic brands!

Goods protected by Transparency , small cards can be placed in commodities in compliance with regulations, Strengthen the communication and interaction between brands and consumers.

 Front of small card: After official review, Information such as brand name, brand contact number, company address, email, brand official website link, social media account can be placed, or it can be easily customized using Transparency's standard template.

(Source: Xiao K said cross-border)

The above contents belong to the author's personal views and do not represent Hugo's cross-border position! This article is reproduced with the authorization of the original author. Reproduction requires the authorization of the original author.

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FeiWei said cross-border
It's not easy to share, focus on getting more dry goods