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Practical skills sharing! After participating in the transparency plan, they are still being sold. What should we do?

For any qualified Amazon seller, early prevention and timely handling of being sold by unscrupulous peers are all operational skills that must be mastered.

 Practical skills sharing! After participating in the transparency plan, they are still being sold. What should we do? Image source: Tu Chong's creativity

For any qualified Amazon seller, early prevention and timely handling of being sold by unscrupulous peers are all operational skills that must be mastered.

Because a product will cost a lot of money, manpower and time from market research to purchase and delivery, and then from launch to stable order. If the products you have worked hard to create are sold by your peers, it will cause very serious losses.

We know that the most effective and compliant way to prevent co selling is brand protection and transparency plan. But recently, some sellers posted a complaint in the community that they were still co sold by peers after participating in the transparency plan. In this article today, I will explain the causes of such problems and the corresponding solutions.

First, let's talk about the operation mechanism of the transparent plan:

Every product participating in the Transparency Program will be labeled with a unique blue label. The information contained in this label is richer than that contained in ordinary UPC codes, such as the name of the manufacturer, manufacturing location, ex factory date, warranty period, etc. Amazon will record the information on the label and refuse to purchase other counterfeit goods, so as to prevent resale; Consumers can also use this label to identify the authenticity of products and deepen their awareness and goodwill towards the seller's brand.

Participate in the transparency plan or be co sold?

1. The product protection is closed. Normally, when we successfully participate in the transparency plan and deliver the products with blue labels to Amazon's operation center, we can turn on the "product protection" switch to prevent co selling. However, some sellers have reported that Amazon's system has a bug, resulting in their own "product protection" switch being closed without their knowledge. It is recommended that you check the status of this switch immediately after you find that you are being co sold, and contact the Amazon official at the same time to truthfully reflect your status of being co sold.

2. Other sellers sell similar products earlier. If there are other sellers selling the same products as us before we participate in the transparency plan, the transparency plan is not to directly remove the other party's link, but to allow them to continue selling until they have sold out all the products sent to Amazon's operation center. This usually happens at the stage when the transparency plan has just been passed. Since the other party is not malicious co selling, we cannot ask Amazon to punish it. Just wait patiently for the other party to sell out its existing inventory.

In addition to brand and transparent plan, product differentiation is also an effective means to prevent co selling. It is suggested that everyone should understand more about the platform rules and the operating mechanism of various tools, and at the same time, use private models, suits and other methods to further increase the cost of co selling.

(Source: Lao Chen chats cross-border)

The above contents belong to the author's personal views and do not represent Hugo's cross-border position! This article is reproduced with the authorization of the original author. Reproduction requires the authorization of the original author.

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