WordPress cleans unnecessary data and optimizes database plug-in Easy WP Cleaner

WordPress cleans unnecessary data and optimizes database plug-in Easy WP Cleaner

WordPress will inevitably produce some unnecessary data after a long time of use, such as revised versions, drafts, automatic drafts, garbage comments, isolated article meta information, isolated comment meta information, dashboard subscription cache, etc. The existence of these data not only wastes database space, but also can affect the performance of the website. It is usually recommended to delete them. Easy WP Cleaner is a WordPress plug-in used to clean up these unnecessary data. Through this plug-in, no tools like phpMyAdmin are needed
WordPress plug-in 1333 ℃

Wordpress turns off the code that automatically detects updates in the background

By default, wordpress will automatically detect whether there is a new version of wordpress programs, plug-ins, or themes. It is natural for Wordpress to visit its website to detect updates. Perhaps because it cannot access the official wordpress website at present, the background of wordpress is very slow. Later, considering that it does not need to automatically detect updates, it turned off automatic detection of updates, The background speed returns to normal. (More...)
WordPress Tutorial 1813 ℃

Solve the problem that the gravatar avatar cannot display the wordpress plug-in WP Gravatar Https

Due to the problem of domestic firewalls, Gravatar avatars not only cannot be accessed stably, but also affect the opening speed of wordpress blogs, which directly affects the user experience. The solution can be to use the domestic Gravatar avatar image server, or use the Gravatar avatar service (HTTPS) encryption line. Using the https encryption line, you can directly install the plug-in WP Gravatar Https. (More...)
WordPress plug-in 2480 ℃

Use Duoshuo's domestic Gravatar head image server to solve the problem that gravatar cannot be displayed by the wall head image

Gravatar avatar, as the most popular general avatar at present, is used by a large number of websites. However, because Gravatar avatar server is located abroad, domestic websites are often unable to connect to Gravatar avatar server due to various factors, which leads to the failure of Gravatar avatar display, and because a large number of Gravatar avatars are difficult to load successfully, the web page will open slowly or even fail to open, It directly affects the user experience and website browsing volume! To solve the problem that the Gravatar avatar cannot be loaded due to the server, you can cache the Gravatar avatar to the local server or use a third-party domestic Gravatar avatar image server, such as
WordPress Tutorial 6259 ℃
 Wordpress database cleaning optimization plug-in wp clean up

Wordpress database cleaning optimization plug-in wp clean up

WordPress has been used for a long time, and there are many useless things piled up in the database, such as automatically saved revisions when editing, garbage comments on websites, etc. These redundant database data not only waste space but also affect performance. The wp clean up plug-in is a wordpress database cleaning plug-in. Through this plug-in, you can quickly and safely delete redundant database data and optimize the database without affecting the published content, effectively reducing space and improving performance. (More...)
WordPress plug-in 2322 ℃

Emlog removes the sort part in the link URL of the classified directory in the Apache environment

After the Emlog program sets the pseudo static state, the URL structure of the classified directory link is in the format of "http://domain name/sort/classified alias", and the sort in the middle part is quite redundant. According to the URL mentioned in the official version of Baidu Search Engine Optimization Guide 2.0, the URL should be as short as possible, so it is necessary to delete the sort, which is not only conducive to SEO optimization, but also makes the URL look more concise. Note: This method needs to modify the program source file. Be careful! (More...)
Emlog Tutorial 2729 ℃

Baidu Lvluo algorithm online announcement is aimed at buying and selling link behavior

Baidu's new algorithm was launched on 2.19. This algorithm is designed for websites that buy and sell links, "Glory"! But when we discussed in the group, we discussed such a question: In order to fight against competitors, will someone buy a lot of junk links for competitors' websites? Then it was found that the competitors bought a lot of links for themselves? Will there be chaos then? Baidu was great at that time. Of course, this is just the discussion. I believe Baidu must have considered this situation. (More...)
Blog News 2588 ℃

Reasons and solutions for Sina blog not being included by Baidu

The external chain is an important means to improve the website ranking. There are various ways to increase the external chain, among which the blog external chain is the favorite of many webmasters. For example, Sina Blog has become the first choice for webmasters to optimize the external chain because of its fast collection, high weight, simple application and easy use. But many webmasters reflected that their Sina blog was not favored by Baidu, and the articles published on the blog were not included by Baidu. At the beginning, I also encountered the same situation. Later, I gradually mastered the methods and skills, and re registered the blog. After the operation again, the blog was finally included by Baidu, and the collection was in good condition. Now let's share my operation method. (More...)
Blog News 16740 ℃

How to make IE6 support css background png transparent background image

IE6 does not support png-24 transparent pictures, which is a considerable defect. Nowadays, in order to achieve the desired design effect, web page production mostly uses png transparent pictures. Blog Bar's Wordpress Taobaoke theme meituan a few days ago uses png transparent pictures, IE6 is an "old man" who can't accept all kinds of new things, so we need to find another way to make IE6 support png24 transparent pictures. For img png images, you can use IE specific filters or expressions to achieve transparency, while for css background background images, you need to use DD_belatedPNG to achieve transparency
Blog News 7149 ℃

Crazy vomiting, I unexpectedly added sitemap to Baidu's dead link tool

Just went to Baidu webmaster platform for research, The example of finding the dead link tool of webmaster tool to fill in data is "Sitemap.txt and sitemap.xml, it is estimated that many people's first reaction when they see these two nouns is to refer to the sitemap website map, and to see that the sitemap.xml of the blog bar has also been submitted to, then I immediately submitted the sitemap.xml of the new site to the dead link tool, and I also updated the data in the dead link tool of the blog bar by the way. (More...)
Blog News 7641 ℃

Baidu Officially Announces the 6.28 K Station Event

The most unforgettable event for webmasters in June was the update of Baidu algorithm. The massive K station event brought about by the system upgrade, commonly known as the "6.28 event", in which seven or eight websites I operated were also the "victims" of Baidu algorithm update. Therefore, I have been looking forward to Baidu's official clarification, Yesterday, Lee of Baidu published a post in Baidu webmaster community, "Measures for low-quality sites have taken effect", announcing the update of K station event. (More...)
Blog News 8113 ℃

6.28 Baidu killed all my websites overnight

Baidu has not been stable since June. Every time I update it, no matter how big or small, it can affect my nerves. At present, several websites I operate almost rely on Baidu to survive. It can be said that Baidu search engine is the basis for several small websites to make money, so the attitude of Baidu search engine to my website directly affects the income of the website. Last night, Baidu came to the biggest washing up this month, which made several websites I run completely destroyed. (More...)
Blog News 9985 ℃

Baidu webmaster club lee replied to confirm that the plain text url will be captured by spiders

Personally, I think that the plain text url external chain should be useful, and I have been sending plain text urls, but I dare not be very sure, because I can't find the official affirmation of Baidu about this, and I have doubts over time. Today, I searched the "plain text url link" again and found Lee's reply post in Baidu webmaster club, Confirm that the spider will crawl the plain text url. (More...)
Blog News 4854 ℃