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Dozens of paddy fields in a village in Panshi City, Jilin Province were poisoned. Experts identified that the soil could not be planted for three years. Most of them were old farmers over 60 years old, who cried every day. Such events were not reported, so they asked the society to help the old farmers there.
Dozens of paddy fields in a village in Panshi City, Jilin Province were poisoned. Experts identified that the soil could not be planted for three years. Most of them were old farmers over 60 years old, who cried every day. Such events were not reported, so they asked the society to help the old farmers there.
This man just inherited hundreds of millions of houses and then died Who can inherit without worry? Find out the murderer first
It's strange. Father and son died in succession in the same time. It's not difficult to judge that someone may deliberately take this property as his own. Whoever helps to handle it is the most suspect
Where did high school students get their property [Love you] Didn't pay attention to this matter, very curious
Classic mainland is not human
What if the birth mother is from Meili?
Do I rely on the Taiwan law to be so good? The inheritance rate of mother is not as good as that of half brother [Ah]
If the mother is American, she will inherit 100% of the estate.
It has nothing to do with this
Having been married for 17 years without inheritance right, he is not the right person
This is the cause of death. Whoever inherits the property or pushes someone to inherit the property is the most suspect.
Old news of last year.
Just yesterday, I saw that ordinary people were fighting for 320000 heritage, and the rich people's heritage accidents were everywhere.
The parents have divorced and inherit the father's property after divorce. So the birth mother is not qualified to inherit
Dozens of paddy fields in a village in Panshi City, Jilin Province were poisoned. Experts identified that the soil could not be planted for three years. Most of them were old farmers over 60 years old, who cried every day. Such events were not reported, so they asked the society to help the old farmers there.
Dozens of paddy fields in a village in Panshi City, Jilin Province were poisoned. Experts identified that the soil could not be planted for three years. Most of them were old farmers over 60 years old, who cried every day. Such events were not reported, so they asked the society to help the old farmers there.
This man just inherited hundreds of millions of houses and then died Who can inherit without worry? Find out the murderer first
It's strange. Father and son died in succession in the same time. It's not difficult to judge that someone may deliberately take this property as his own. Whoever helps to handle it is the most suspect
Where did high school students get their property [Love you] Didn't pay attention to this matter, very curious
Classic mainland is not human
What if the birth mother is from Meili?
Do I rely on the Taiwan law to be so good? The inheritance rate of mother is not as good as that of half brother [Ah]
If the mother is American, she will inherit 100% of the estate.
It has nothing to do with this
Having been married for 17 years without inheritance right, he is not the right person
This is the cause of death. Whoever inherits the property or pushes someone to inherit the property is the most suspect.
Old news of last year.
Just yesterday, I saw that ordinary people were fighting for 320000 heritage, and the rich people's heritage accidents were everywhere.
The parents have divorced and inherit the father's property after divorce. So the birth mother is not qualified to inherit
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High school students fall and die, leaving hundreds of millions of real estate for their mothers to inherit

The mysterious death of Taiwan's high school students left hundreds of millions of properties causing hot debate. On the 29th, the lawyer said that due to his mother's mainland nationality, he was afraid to inherit the inheritance completely details &#xe734

Nanfang Metropolis Daily
12:36 the day before yesterday


Taiwan High school students fall down and leave hundreds of millions of houses follow-up: Fear of birth mother completely inherit heritage
Last year, an 18-year-old male in Taiwan senior high school student The case of sudden and strange death after receiving NT $500 million worth of heritage triggered extensive discussion. On June 28 this year High school students who fall to death handle house property And with
Anhui News
20:34 the day before yesterday
Taiwan senior high school student Strange Fall, die and stay lower Hundreds of millions of real estate Continued: Half brothers and half sisters
Last year, an 18-year-old male in Taiwan senior high school student The case of sudden and strange death after receiving NT $500 million worth of heritage triggered extensive discussion. On June 28 this year High school students who fall to death handle house property And with
Great Wall Network
High school students fall down and leave hundreds of millions of real estate to their mothers Power becomes a mystery
Recently, an 18 year old man from Taichung, Taiwan senior high school student Lai Mou was unlucky to get 30 immobile postnatal gifts worth about NT $500 million from his father Falling Lou died. This tragic event not only made Lai's mother immersed in great grief, but also because of the huge
Entertainment concerns 19:52 the day before yesterday
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High school students fall down and leave hundreds of millions of houses The birth mother is afraid to inherit

2 days ago An 18-year-old from Taichung, Taiwan senior high school student Lai Mouzai inherit NT $500 million house property Later, suddenly strange Fall to death This event has aroused widespread concern and discussion, especially on inheritance. According to relevant reports, Lai's mother, as a mainland spouse, may be difficult to fully inherit

High school students fall down and leave hundreds of millions of houses The birth mother is afraid to inherit

2 days ago High school students fall down and leave hundreds of millions of houses The birth mother is afraid to inherit An 18-year-old senior high school student in Taiwan died after inheriting an estate worth NT $500 million, and his mother may face difficulties in inheriting the estate completely. According to reports, the mother of a senior high school student surnamed Lai is currently going through a civil lawsuit

High school students fall down and leave 100 million houses The birth mother is afraid to inherit

Recently, a bizarre homicide involving NT $500 million heritage has attracted wide attention. Last year, an 18-year-old male from Taiwan senior high school student Strange after obtaining a huge inheritance Fall to death , and on June 28 this year High school students who fall to death The man surnamed Xia who registered marriage was sentenced. However, the case did not address

Taiwan High school students fall down and leave hundreds of millions of houses follow-up: Fear of birth mother completely inherit heritage

3 days ago To sum up, Taiwan High school students fall to death Legacy of the case inherit The problem is full of uncertainty and complexity. Although the birth mother, as a lineal relative, should enjoy the priority of inheritance in theory, due to the involvement of the Xia man in the marriage relationship and other possible legal disputes, Fear of birth mother ...

High school students fall down and stay Hundreds of millions house property , one 's own mother Estate obstruction inherit Faced with dilemma _ inheritance right

3 days ago In a shocking tragedy, a High school students fall to death And left hundreds of millions of house property However, his one 's own mother May face inherit Dilemma. For the biological mother, the restriction of inheritance is an unfair provision, because she is between them

Taiwan senior high school student Strange( Fall to death )Stay Hundreds of millions of real estate Continued: Half brothers and half sisters

13 hours ago Fall to death Lai surname of senior high school student Her mother (right). However, lawyers said that Lai's mother had been married to Taiwan many years ago and had been a mainland spouse for 17 years. According to relevant regulations inherit The legacy of NT $2 million will be left by Lai

Taiwan senior high school student Strange Fall, die and stay lower Hundreds of millions of real estate Continuation: half brother, half sister or step

3 days ago On June 28 of this year, it was dealt with for high school students who fell into death house property The man surnamed Xia who was registered to marry him was sentenced to one year and six months' imprisonment, and the whole case can be appealed. The reporter from Nandu noticed that the case involved heritage inherit Problems continue to cause discussion, Death of High School Mother In an interview on the 29th, the pro lawyer said that he was worried about