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Here comes the blockbuster! Freeze the beauty of biodiversity _State Forestry and Grassland Administration- Medium

May 22, 2024 Freeze the beauty of biodiversity All things have spirit, and the population is numerous and complicated. Human production and life are closely related to biodiversity. Only more abundant flowers, trees, birds, animals, insects and fish can make our earth full of vitality and sustainable development. Today is the international biological many
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international bio-diversity Day Freeze Frame Time, protect the most beautiful ones in life~

May 19, 2024 To widely publicize our city bio-diversity The effectiveness and significance of protection will further improve the river water quality and water ecological environment, widely publicize the concept of biodiversity protection, and improve the public's awareness of biodiversity protection. The Pingdu Branch of Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Ecological Environment will carry out "fish" and "me"

Biodiversity Science Popularization All creatures are beautiful and share the experience of biodiversity

July 11, 2022 In recent years, under the guidance of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, our province has vigorously promoted bio-diversity The protection and related work have achieved remarkable results. In order to further strengthen the publicity, education and knowledge popularization of biodiversity conservation, tell a good story of biodiversity conservation in China, and guide the development of biodiversity conservation in China

Micro video| Beauty of biodiversity -Xinhua

January 9, 2023 Feel China Beauty of biodiversity Producer: Liu Jian, Qian Tong, Supervisor: Zhou Hongjun, Liu Jiawen, Sun Wei, Planner: Duan Shiwen, Qiu Xiaomin, Lin Ming, Coordinator: Meng Chao, Executive Planner: Li Shanshan, Ding Zishuo, Wang Hui, Producer: Xu Yiming, Li Guishuang, Editor: Quan Li, Cui Hongzong, Special Ming

bio-diversity Protection | Gather the feeling of great protection The beauty of diversity ——Mountain

May 24, 2024 bio-diversity It is the basis for human survival and development, and protecting biodiversity is the common responsibility of all mankind. Shandong is located in the lower reaches of the Yellow River, bordering the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea. The geomorphic types within the jurisdiction are complex and diverse, including forests, shrubs, meadows, wetlands and other terrestrial ecosystems

China's biodiversity conservation has achieved remarkable results Let's feel it together Beauty of biodiversity !

May 23, 2022 China has a vast territory, both land and sea, complex and diverse landforms and climates, and has bred rich and unique ecosystems, species and genetic diversity bio-diversity One of the richest countries, biodiversity is an important foundation for the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. In Qing

Meet COP15 and feel Yunnan Beauty of biodiversity _State Forestry and Grassland Administration... -

October 11, 2021 Meet COP15 and feel Yunnan Beauty of biodiversity On October 11, the 15th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) was held in Kunming, Yunnan Province. This conference is the first global conference held by the United Nations under the theme of "ecological civilization"

Everything coexists and protects The beauty of diversity

May 25, 2024 "Our district insists on ecological priority and green development, constantly improves the working mechanism, and actively builds a bio-diversity With the protection and management policy system, the number of biological species in the snow covered plateau is increasing, and the biodiversity is also getting