Summarized the experience of using ZeroTier and other NAT hole drilling and networking software recently, including the use effect of official services and the use experience of self built Planet+Moon. The reason why I said before that China Mobile cancelled the public IPv6 of rental housing: sad news: China Mobile Broadband no longer assigns me an IPv6 address ……

Tell me about the configuration process of Thunderbird email client that is very unfriendly to users. Note: Thunderbird here refers to a well-known open source email client, not an AR vendor. Foreword At the beginning of 2023, Gmail tightened its security policy to force three parties to use the new OAuth process for authentication. Clients using old authentication methods such as OAuth OOB can no longer be bound ……

Use prommail+loki+grafana/Nightingale to build a log reporting and statistical analysis system. Of course, these components are also applicable to other log reporting. The previous content comes from a failed attempt, and this article has recorded some useful parts. A game server has no information query interface, and can only view the player's entry, exit and status information from the printed log. In order to make a status notification robot, we searched everywhere ……

The reverse extraction model from some games is a large mesh with multiple objects merged. The big mesh is bound with a bunch of shaders and maps. If you want to split a single object in the big mesh and keep the materials and maps simple, you need to do some special processing. As mentioned above, the obtained model is a large mesh from Dump. In order to use an object, it needs to be disassembled. This article uses the spaceship in the following scene ……

The last blog migration was in 2019. Now the originally purchased server expires, and the renewal price is sky high (6000+), so the server will be migrated again. Running environment The new server running environment is still organized in the form of a Docker container, but the Docker Compose.yml is changed from an existing DNMP to a Docker Compose written by yourself. Container still ……

In the process of using Jellyfin, I encountered the problem of subtitle rendering errors. Start with the source code, simply analyze the cause of the problem, and provide a simple solution. Pre knowledge subtitles can be simply divided into hard subtitles, built-in subtitles and external subtitles. The habitual name only represents the personal opinion within the scope of Zimiao's haunting blog (azimiao. com). When hard caption is suppressed, the image of the caption is directly rendered on the video image. built-in ……

Recently, the Thunderbolt beta in NAS was upgraded to 3.5.1. It was found that there was an additional download speed ball on the interface. Click the download speed ball, and the expanded menu unexpectedly said that the remaining traffic was 2000G, WTF? The event was upgraded to the latest 3.5.1 through the built-in self upgrade of Xunlei NAS version. The official update description is as follows: support local subtitles to load in other Xunlei terminals, support the total speed of display and download, fix some problems, and improve ……

At the end of January, Oracle Cloud announced that idle computing instances will be recycled for Always Free services. It is unknown whether new instances can be reopened after being recycled. Status Quo At present, Oracle Cloud has published the following recycling rules: Idle Always Free computing instances may be recycled by Oracle. If the following conditions are met within 7 days, Oracle will implement the virtual machine and bare metal computing ……

After changing the password of Black Qunhui to a random number, I forgot to save it. As a result of my retarded operation, the PVE lost contact directly and the network storage mount of other devices failed indirectly. This article was published on Zimiao's haunting blog, and the reprint should comply with the CC agreement of the site, that is, keep the signature and link of the site: PVE Heiqunhui changed the password after forgetting the password- front ……

How can I get the public IPv6 address of the OpenWrt secondary route and the devices under it when the optical cat dial (with routing function) is not moved? Why is there such a strange demand? The premise is to rent with unknown people. In order to ensure the normal use of other people, do not touch the cat when you have nothing to do, and it is impossible to switch from the cat to the router for dialing. If the cat is broken and cannot access the Internet, it is everyone's business. If the bridge is changed ……

With the increasing demand for file storage, the 2T storage space provided by the Snail interstellar minicomputer has been seriously insufficient. In order to increase the local storage space, the SINOC minicomputer that eats ash is specially turned out for use. For the original information of installing the host, please refer to: List of Sinoc Slag Small Host Disassembly and Literacy (J1900 Slag) Components (excluding power supply) 1 The hard disk has two 3.5-inch hard disks ……

A server needs an SSL certificate for WS and TLS encryption, so it installs a Nginx, which combines to automatically update the SSL certificate. Preparation The operating system used in this article is Ubuntu. 1. Install First connect to the server through ssh, and then install through the following command: curl https://g ……