Tell me about the configuration process of Thunderbird email client that is very unfriendly to users. Note: Thunderbird here refers to a well-known open source email client, not an AR vendor. Preface At the beginning of 2023, Gmail will tighten its security policy and force three parties to use the new OAuth process for authentication. Clients using the old authentication methods such as OAuth OOB cannot be bound again ……

When I was painting YouTube, I accidentally saw the implementation of a cartoon water. The original Shader was made by hand, but I used Unity ShaderGraph to reproduce it. The principle is to obtain the scene depth of the opaque queue through the Camera depth map. The difference between the depth of the opaque queue and the depth of the water surface element is used as the water depth basis to render the waves through the noise map, and realize the wave animation through UV perturbation Get the "depth" of water ……

Briefly record the implementation of two simple shaders recently encountered. The length of a single article is too short, so the two articles are combined into one article. The effect is commonly seen in XR manufacturer's protection center software (or safety zone, play area, etc.). The main feature: by default, it displays the dynamic wall effect (water ripple, breathing clouds) of Gemei. When the handle/hand/head is close to the wall, a hole will be opened on the wall, supplemented by a red warning prompt to leave the wall ……

This paper briefly introduces the architecture of OpenXR native development APP, and introduces some key concepts in XR. Note: The contents of this article involving specific platforms/manufacturers can be obtained from public channels, and have nothing to do with the internal information of relevant platforms/manufacturers. Foreword This article is a note written a long time ago. Recently, when I have time, I have sorted it out and made it public here. Since the text is too long and there are few pictures, it is recommended to use eye protection mode for reading. After reading this article, you can ……

Use prommail+loki+grafana/Nightingale to build a log reporting and statistical analysis system. Of course, these components are also applicable to other log reporting. The previous content comes from a failed attempt, and this article has recorded some useful parts. A game server has no information query interface, and can only view the player's entry, exit and status information from the printed log. In order to make a status notification robot, we searched everywhere ……

The reverse extraction model from some games is a large mesh with multiple objects merged. The big mesh is bound with a bunch of shaders and maps. If you want to split a single object in the big mesh and keep the materials and maps simple, you need to do some special processing. As mentioned above, the obtained model is a large mesh from Dump. In order to use an object, it needs to be disassembled. This article uses the spaceship in the following scene ……

When playing Battlefield 2042, I found a large screen simulating the display of RGB pixels: the content in the far view is a complete image, and the close view is a glowing RGB pixel. This effect is very interesting. It can be reproduced in Unity. The effect of the implementation is the screenshot moving picture (GIF). The content of this article is implemented with Unity, but some of the content is referred to the Unreal E of Youtube/Jam2go ……

Foreword Many Xiaobai users have a mistake: when they see some VR (or MR/XR/various R) manufacturers promoting gesture tracking, they always think that it can be used seamlessly in all VR applications in stock, just like PC mouse pointers. However, unlike the 2D window, there is no global "mouse pointer" (Vo of Apple Vision Pro) between VR applications and VR OS at present ……

The question "Shader created through the right-click menu under URP does not display any content" diverges, which extends the discussion of URP DepthPrepass. The reason for the above problem is that under the URP default pipeline, before rendering opaque objects, if there is one of the following situations, depth writing pass will be executed first: Depth Texture/N is required for RenderFeature ……

A long time ago, I used Stencil Test in a 3D sliding list. This review, I try to use it to make a double-sided through the door. The effect principle is to write a value into Stencil Buffer. In the subsequent rendering of other tiles at the same location, if template testing is enabled, the preset value will be compared with the value in Stencil Buffer (i.e. Test), based on the comparison result ……

Recently, I am interested in SteamVR media player and simply record its technical details and implementation method (by the way, see how it is different from the player I have worked on before). Previously, this is the last article on media player analysis. The first two articles are as follows: SteamVR media player analysis (I): UI rendering and user interaction mainly describe how the player can achieve the same set of UI on the Desktop ……

The sharing video of Unity Japan meetup 2019 was flashed on Youtube. The sharing of ShaderGraph is very good. Follow me to learn. Foreword: ShaderGraph energy shield (I): contact surface detection and edge illumination Shader mainly includes the following contents: contact surface detection, edge illumination, UV disturbance and map blending space distortion (or ……