Blog Server Migration Notes (2023.11.12)

The last blog migration was in 2019. Now the originally purchased server expires, and the renewal price is sky high (6000+), so the server will be migrated again.

Operating environment

The running environment of the new server is still organized in the form of a Docker container, but the Docker Compose.yml is changed from an existing DNMP to a Docker Compose written by yourself.

The container is still the old ones:

  • Nginx
  • MySQL
  • Redis

The container joins the same network and uses the compose service name for mutual access.

At the same time, some tool containers such as phpMyAdmin have been added for emergencies.


Use the Portainer Agent to collect the Docker Container management of the machine to a separate management machine, and manage other machines through a separate management machine.

Migration process

Compared with the previous big fight( Notes on migration of Docker DNMP from LNMP WordPress )This migration is relatively simple.

  1. Package the old server files, and upload the SCP to the new server (the 3M uplink small water pipe of Tencent Cloud took more than an hour to upload).
  2. Decompress the files on the new server, and drop MySQL, WWW, etc. into the mapping folder of the corresponding container. The new server Docker Compose pulls up each container and starts the service.
  3. For the new container status, simply modify the Nginx configuration file to realize the exposure and reverse generation of Web services.
  4. Access the exposed service through the local host pointing to the new server. After confirming that the service is normal, the observation period will begin.
  5. After the observation period, modify the CDN back to the source, import the traffic to the new server, and keep the old server running.
  6. Three days later, stop and delete the old server.

When both ends are Dockers, migration is much easier.


Moving from one service provider to another, this blog has been running for nearly 9 years, which is also a small milestone?

Since 2017, PureLove has been used as the old theme, which is said to be changed every two years. However, it has been modified repeatedly. It has been used today, and the pigeons are full of strength.

"Life Could Be Simple...", this is the achievement title of Chen Xinghan's tribute to his previous work in the 2009 "Flower" game. Later, I changed it to the nondescript "Life Can Be Simple!" as the blog subtitle.

Next year, this blog has been running for nearly 10 years. What will happen in the next 10 years~

Zimiao haunting blog (azimiao. com) All rights reserved. Please note the link when reprinting:
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Comment area

  1. This theme is very interesting

  2. Broad tree 11-21 23:03 reply

    It's nearly 10 years! Worship the elders! I recently bought a new server, moved the card, and moved the blog after the reconstruction. Alas, this year, the domain name was inexplicably and wonderfully certified by Tencent, and I dare not use domestic services any more.

  3. Li Shang 11-30 16:59 reply

    Don't consider adding rss

  4. mikusa 12-12 00:06 reply

    Ten years, time flies