Xunlei NAS version starts charging members for "high-speed download traffic"

Recently, the Thunderbolt internal beta in NAS was upgraded to 3.5.1. It was found that there was an additional download speed ball on the interface. Click the download speed ball, and the expanded menu unexpectedly said that the traffic remained 2000G, WTF?


Through the built-in self upgrade of Xunlei NAS version to the latest 3.5.1, the official update instructions are as follows:

  1. Local subtitles can be loaded on other ends of Thunderbolt
  2. Support to display the total speed in the download
  3. Fixed some problems and improved stability

At first glance, it seems to be a normal function iterative update. Click Upgrade directly:

After the upgrade, except for a speed ball on the page, I didn't see any other differences:

However, when you click the speed ball, a floating window will open, in which the words "Remaining traffic: XXXX G" will appear:

When you click "XXXX G" in the figure again, the paid traffic package window will pop up:

What is "NAS High Speed Download Traffic"?

I have searched all the FAQ documents associated with the current beta, but no explanation can be found (as of March 17, 2023).

After actual measurement, this traffic value will be deducted for download tasks with super channel member acceleration signs:

Test file link: http://repos.mia.lax-noc.com/speedtests/1gb.bin

Traffic value will not be deducted for downloading LAN files.

For the time being, it can be considered that this traffic is the traffic statistics of files issued by Xunlei server (waiting for official statement).

Based on this, we can boldly guess that the future strategy may be that when you use up the so-called "high-speed traffic", you will not be able to obtain the "high-speed download" acceleration service of Xunlei this month. In other words, it is abandoned.

Don't think it's OK to install the old version. According to my actual measurement, the traffic statistics are on the Xunlei server side, not the local side. The product managers and programmers of Xunlei are not so stupid.

What's the problem?

In the internal test of Xunlei NAS version, free users can only add three download tasks a day. The internal test group explained to us with reasons such as "few users" and "ROI". Let's open member support, and we understand.

As an old user who has been continuing his membership intermittently, in order to support a Thunderbolt NAS version, he upgraded platinum members to more expensive super members:

What's the result? As an old user who supports it, the result of payment is a new restriction on the acceleration of paying members.

Even Baidu Online Disk dare not do this kind of thing to restrict traffic and spend money on traffic to its paying member users.

But the reality is that Xunlei also left its own way out in the user agreement early:

Although most people can't use 2000G of traffic in a month, I still feel sick like eating flies.


I suggest hanging more download tasks every month to make full use of the "free" traffic within the validity period of members.

After the member expires, it will be uninstalled directly without renewal. Let's play PT for NAS players.


Xunlei Member Renewal Interface, introducing the rights and interests of all members (2023.03.18 03:30):

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Let me complain



zero Gentlemen participated in the review

  1. FGHWETT 03-20 09:11 reply

    It's really disgusting. It's obvious that the same price still requires a traffic limit, but the rights and interests of the users who pay for nothing remain unchanged

  2. Afterglow 03-22 13:07 reply

    Xunlei has gone down, and now his appearance is more and more ugly. It is estimated that there is no money for transformation, or maybe it is madness before running away

  3. Poof, seeing these, I don't want to install them on my NAS at all