Sad News: China Mobile Broadband no longer assigns me an IPv6 address


Since January 2023, mobile broadband optical cat dialing in the house No more IPv6 assignments In contrast, last year, after dialing, a segment was given to the cat, and each intranet device can be assigned a public IPv6 address.


Coordinates: Beijing Changping.


According to the current situation of my equipment, I guess it may be aimed at PT players who have large-scale public network traffic exchange? (pure guess)

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Comment area

  1. kent 01-14 23:47 reply

    The same is true for Jiangsu Mobile, which will no longer provide public IPv6 addresses for intranet devices from 2023.

  2. zz 03-05 01:46 reply

    That's a big day, little Lu

  3. collins 04-18 00:25 reply

    Go to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to complain. The resources of domestic operators are allocated according to the order

  4. Runaway 06-22 21:05 reply

    Jiangxi Mobile severely cracked down on PCDNs in May, mainly based on the proportion of upload and download traffic. My mobile broadband was previously peer to peer. In May, a hot seed upload was launched and 6T+was uploaded. As a result, IPV6 was stopped at the end of the month and NAT became NAT4.
    At present, the IPv6 connection information is viewed in the background of the Optical Access Cat, and it can be connected. The prefix acquisition method is PD, but the prefix cannot be obtained. The IP address is None, and the others are empty.