Annual data report of Zimiao from 2021-2022


Looking at the full screen of XX music year-end summary, I found that the year 2022 of the Gregorian calendar is coming.
As usual, this blog will publish the annual data report of Zimiao's haunting blog from 2021-2022.

Annual report of Zimiao


Unconsciously, the duration of this blog has increased by another year. This year, except for the daily upgrade of WordPress core program, this blog has no major changes.

This blog has been six years and nine months since it was launched in April 2015.

Access data

As of December 30, 2021.12, the statistics of this blog displayed by the third-party statistical tools are as follows:

Views (PV) Number of visitors (UV) Number of IP
eight hundred and thirty-six thousand eight hundred and eighteen five hundred and five thousand two hundred and seventy-six 498,813

In easy to read words 830000 PV, 500000 UV, 490000 IP Of course, there is a lot of water in it.


Compared with last year's access data, this year's access data increased slightly. But if From the monthly visit, the visit data of this blog in the second half of the year is gradually decreasing Of course, this is a helpless trend.

Taking the technical articles with the largest proportion of traffic as an example, the access traffic of technical articles in the second half of this blog has declined seriously. I summarized two reasons:

  1. Some large domestic factories have started to work on "cloud development community" content farm sites , they take advantage of their scale and technology, machine crawlers crawl the content of the whole network, and use their high weight domain names and high availability servers, Polluted search engine At the same time, some individuals in China have also started to set up content farm garbage stations with machine translation as the main and reptile as the auxiliary. In this case, the original and non original are no longer important, because ordinary personal sites can not get exposure in the massive and high weight sites;
  2. The service of well-known code/software hosting platforms such as Github and DockerHub in China has gradually become "unavailable", which directly leads to some technical articles becoming waste paper For visitors, the code dependency of the first step of the article cannot be pulled down. Who will continue to read this article.


What can I look forward to? What can I not look forward to~

I used to think that the shining stars were brighter than the lighthouse. But now, the lighthouse is getting darker and darker, and there is only the hot sun in the sky, the sun that makes the stars disappear.

Imagine the future. The small stations that are motivated by interest should become more lonely and desolate.

Like last year, Life Can Be Simple, May everything be peaceful.

Associated Articles


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Zimiao haunting blog (azimiao. com) All rights reserved. Please note the link when reprinting:
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Comment area

  1. c0sMx 01-22 11:07 reply

    The general trend

  2. Adutesu 02-01 20:14 reply

    What, don't you plan to change the year in the upper right corner of the page... This year is 2022

  3. The treasure station found by accident, the blogger refuels 😉

  4. I'm looking for Friends. Thank you!

  5. MLKE 02-24 14:32 reply

    GIthub sometimes doesn't know why it just doesn't work 🙂

  6. Come to pick up Friends and say thank you. Unfortunately, after looking at our own resources, it seems that nothing is valuable to the blogger:)