Several songs that have always been impressive

There are always some songs that are memorable, different from the current popular drool songs, these impressive songs will always be bound to some unforgettable memories.

Fragrance of Flowers

From the third grade of primary school, when the bell rang but the teacher did not come, the class committee took the lead in reading some texts and sometimes sang a song.

The song "Fragrance of Flowers" is the most popular one. I remember that it was taught by a class representative surnamed Zhu. After the class bell rings, the chorus of "memory is the fragrance of flowers" often pervades the campus.

After checking the information, it turned out that this song was the theme song of an idol drama in 2001, no wonder it was unfamiliar at that time. When I was a child, my family was very poor. The television set of Yagi Antenna could only receive the Central Channel, and could not access the "popular" TV programs such as idol dramas.

Glorious Years

When I was in primary school, it was popular to listen to music on tape drives, which had a foreign name: "Walkman". At that time, MP3 players were very expensive. A 128M stored player cost nearly 200 yuan. In contrast, tape drives cost only a few dozen yuan, and a tape can be exchanged with others for 5 yuan.

I have a beyond pirated tape. I don't like it, so I keep it in my schoolbag all the time. Later, the schoolbag was turned over by the "evil forces", and the tape was transferred to "Ban Ba". Since having this tape, "Ban Ba" has been speaking bad Cantonese with a good sense of self all day.

Later, I had a good relationship with "Ban Ba", and we were all together. At that time, when I was young, I felt that it was normal to turn over my schoolbag. There was no estrangement caused by this.

Drunk Breeze

In those days, a popular business in mobile phone stores was downloading MP3 songs. To put it simply, you can copy some songs from your computer to your mobile phone. A song can cost anywhere from ten cents to a few cents. At that time, the traffic cost was still 5 yuan and 30M. It was impossible to download songs with mobile phone traffic.

Every time I change my mobile phone, I will go to the mobile phone store next to the school to download the package for 5 yuan. Instead of selecting songs, I will copy all the songs directly. Every time I choose a song, I pull it up from the bottom, so I always have Drunken Breeze at the beginning of z.

To tell the truth, I didn't hear any stories or feelings about this song, but I remembered it after listening to it.

Cherry Grass

Cherry Blossom Grass was overheard in an Internet cafe. The song has good music and sweet lyrics. The combination of the two has a feeling of innocence and vagueness, or "a feeling of healing".

Netease Cloud Music has no copyright, only a bunch of garbage covers that feel good about themselves. Go to QQ Music to listen!

Boys in junior high school are embarrassed to say that they like this kind of song. When my friends on the Internet ask me what they want to listen to, I always say "Nobody", "Walking in the sun", "God is a girl" and so on. In a short time, these non mainstream exclusive songs will ring from the audio of the Internet cafe.

Hello Teacher

All non mainstream teenagers should know this song. Now the names of singers are almost forbidden words. The same author also has a song called Beijing Evening News.

Time is a strange thing, which makes our road more and more confident, so - audit - audit - more and more strict.

Song link? Search Baidu yourself.

《I swear….》

When I heard this song, I fell into the pit of Falcom track series games, and this pirated game disc has moved me for more than ten years.

The Age of Innocence

The ringtone of the high school head teacher's cell phone is always 🎵 Dew on the green grass, butterflies flying everywhere~ 🎵 The ground keeps ringing, which will be remembered as time goes by.

Of course, the pleasant part is limited to this chorus.

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  1. Cherry Grass is a song that I liked very much when I was in primary school. It's very clear