Finally, Zhihu is sick and vomiting because of stories and cheats

The original title was "Zhihu, I * * *". After much thought, I was afraid of discomfort, so I replaced it with the current title—— By don't try I was nauseated again by Zhihu

This answer Unsection selected from Salt selection column, be conducive to Answer this question
Creative Statement: Content Not included Fictional creation
The plot in the content non-existent Fictional processing, for reference only


Good news: On October 16, 2021-10, the search engine was blocked. At present, Baidu and 360 have no access to this article


Blogger Don't try without reason From the perspective of content creators I was nauseated again by Zhihu 'is a good reference article with smooth writing, clear structure, clear description, sufficient reasons and excellent writing.

From the perspective of Zhihu users, I wrote this article. Although it is not intended to be a sequel to the above, it also has some meaning of meaningfulness. Anyway, I wanted to write this article for a long time, so I just spit it out.

Section 1: Making up a strong push is still in existence today, and Wang Lufei has disappeared

It is also remembered that Zhihu user, Pirate Wang Lufei, played 244 roles and composed 244 mini stories.

On the day when Zhihu banned the pirate king Lufei, I saw such a scene:

Zhihu Operation Station was on the moral commanding height. Holding a sharp blade, it cut the head of the pirate with a click. The head of the pirate rolled back and forth, and the Zhihu crowd around jumped up happily in an instant. The cheers and applause from the crowd were intermingled for a long time.

Now, look Story Archives Recommended salt dressing At least 0.3 yuan/day to open members, check the full content I really miss the pirate king Lufei. They are good at copying stories. It's not too shabby that they didn't promote, collect money, or set a home page operation position.

"This answer is excerpted from the salt selection column, which helps to answer the question", "The content of the creation statement contains fictional creation". I don't know what other people feel. I will only feel sick when I see them. In particular, I just want to vomit when I see that they have only single digit approval on the front page.

How ugly is it for officials to make up stories in person? It does not consider the occasion and user preferences, and gives you a long ranked garbage story anytime, anywhere.

For example, under the question of "What's the most horrible thing you've ever met" about your own experience, there is a long fabricated story on the home page (0.5 for unpaid users) about salt selection and paid browsing. Although this long article has only 29 likes, it is proud to rank third in the answer list with 300 likes, 400 likes and even 750 likes.

As for why it is not the first place, I guess the operation may still have a face.

I also used a trumpet to make up a story, and then I changed to another trumpet to report myself and Yanxuan. Finally, the story I made up was deleted by the butler for the reason of answering questions. As for those users who output high-quality content carefully, you should be worse than me. Your ranking rate is probably less than 20 likes of official story making recommendations.

Lufei and Lufei, if your account is alive now, can you also become a big V recommended by Salt Selection?

Section 2: Knowing that there are tigers in the mountain, we prefer the mountain to send people away

"What part-time jobs are recommended for over 10000 yuan a month", "What part-time jobs can earn 200 yuan a day"

I believe that most mobile terminals have seen such forced spam articles more than once in the top ten Timelines of Zhihu users. Even if you are not interested in clicking for dozens of times, it will pop up again after the next refresh, making you unable to resist scolding (screenshots are not for specific users, only for explaining problems).

After ordering "not interested" for more than two months without success, I finally followed Zhihu's wish and clicked into these articles to have a look.

This chapter is nothing but Download my app, there is a lot of money, no operation, no effort, as long as you come, there is no shortage of money After downloading the app, we can see the typical pyramid selling pig killing dish application, what kind of contract to buy off xxx (including but not limited to electricity/air/plants/animals) and wait for a monthly share, or pay hundreds of deposits to unlock x permissions and tutor's WeChat xxxx payment. There are many different ways, but they are similar to each other.

In fact, old netizens have seen this thing for a long time. It is nothing more than a set of cloud cats, dogs, cows, and deposit typists. The picture is your investment and deposit.

For old netizens, these fake advertisements disguised as articles can't do much harm, But for college students and middle school students, these rubbish articles are very attractive

Search for the application name+cheater recommended in the article, and you will find many cheats, mostly students.

The cheater is mercenary. He will not stop cheating on you just because the students have no money. He will only cheat you even more, asking you to borrow, lend, and gamble. He will give you a gimmick that "you can withdraw money by recharging xxx" until you can't squeeze any oil out of it.

Just in Zhihu, you can find several students who have been cheated by some junk articles pushing apps. They are often cheated of living expenses, but dare not tell their families that they can only bite their teeth and eat instant noodles for a month, or go to the online platform to borrow money. And more people who have been cheated have no courage to post and scold on the network, and can only swallow the bitter water silently.

Zhihu seems to have become the cradle of online part-time fraud, so whether Zhihu has the ability to control it? Of course, Content auditing is a necessary function in mainland China So why does Zhihu have the ability to control but not control, and force others to push?

"Knowledge+" is a new term I learned from my pulse. An old man who bought stocks said, "Go to see the financial report, knowledge+has become the first source of income". What is Zhi+? It is a marketing platform launched by Zhihu. The following is the official definition of its functions:

  • Promote the creation of excellent content, accelerate the efficient circulation of content, and provide the value of rich interactive transformation scenarios

Can't understand? You give me money, I give you push. So, You see, every time you click, Zhihu will get benefits. How can you be willing to audit?

Some people may be lucky enough to report such a deceptive platform. Then you really want more. "The referee and the players are my people. How can you fight me?"

Sorry, I tried my best, but my report never succeeded, so I can only hope that the Student Party will have more judgment and be less deceived.

Section 3: Future, no future

I specially applied for the "Zhihu Arbitrator" to maintain community order. Now it's ridiculous to think that this is just one of the means for Zhihu to reduce its operating costs.

As for community order, the core of article reporting, reply reporting and review power are in the hands of Zhihu Operation. Every report you make on rubbish or fraud will only become a waste case in the hands of the operator.

So, don't do useless work. Your report is useless except for filling in the daily kpi requirements of audit.

Zhihu will never become the Chinese version of Quora, and probably does not want to become the Chinese version of Quora. Zhihu, the high-quality question and answer community of Chinese Internet and the original content platform gathered by creators , ha ha.

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Comment area

  1. I thought that only my Zhihu homepage recommendation was like this. It turns out that everyone is. It's full of jump QQ groups and so on. At first glance, it's just a liar. I just read the hot list and search

  2. someone 10-12 15:51 reply

    Strongly agree It's disgusting 😡

  3. roughly 10-12 20:03 reply

    Just like me, the account will be cleared after being cancelled.

  4. BFDZ 10-12 21:58 reply

    About a few years ago, when Zhihu forced users to download apps and restricted web browsing, I applied to cancel my account. Clearly, the knowledge contributed by the public is not allowed to be viewed by the public, and the commercialization of Zhihu makes the platform deviate from the public.

  5. hare 10-16 16:12 reply

    This article mentioned the shielding of domestic search engines on 20211016.

  6. Lu Wen 10-17 22:41 reply

    Think of Zhihu in 13-16 years, what a good community. Freedom brings quality, and audit brings ghosts and snakes.

  7. Adutesu 02-01 20:20 reply

    I usually watch some anime appreciation on Zhihu, or I will really become an online elderly group

  8. MLKE 02-24 14:42 reply

    Ha ha ha, "There is a lot of money"