Some fragmentary thoughts from swaying camping

With the growth of age, the taste for animation has changed a lot. Swaying camping is a very comfortable animation now, but if I move forward for a few years, I will not like it.

1. In the distance

As far as I am concerned, the swaying camping scene is deep.

Of course, when I say depth, I don't mean "this figure expresses ∠ A's homesickness", but that the picture is durable and has a sense of depth in the z-axis direction.

Sometimes, looking at the OP Li Lin riding on the street with the background of flowing water, suddenly there is a resonance of his own riding on the road. The layer here is not a simple repeated mapping displacement, but a path, house, and farmland from far to near and gradually going far away. At the end of the line of sight, there are buildings and hills in the distance.

It can be imagined that along the roadside path, through the farmland and small houses in the distance, there are cement roads, cross streets, trams and traffic lights in the city at the end of the line of sight. Between the streets, some people are walking towards the center of the city, while others are slowly moving towards the edge of the city.

Why do you remember so much? Because when I rode on the road, I saw such a scene. Maybe it is a small mountain village when you walk along a path that has just passed by, or there is a lake where you can fish when you walk along the next path.

In some animations, the description of the vision is mostly covered by a layer of mountains or leaves without any sense of hierarchy, lacking a sense of three-dimensional and reality. What's more, you can use a shallow depth of field to blur things, and take a closer look at the background. There is nothing but big color spots; For other animations, they may be very careful in some visions and draw a lot, but they are not realistic, and you can't resonate from those unrealistic visions. You will not have a road that extends far away. There are streets and people's thoughts in the distance.

2. In the mountains

I have a hunch that many scenes of swaying camping are copied directly on photos.

On the road, the layers of mountains in the distance and the density changes of plants make people feel relaxed and happy.

Focus on the nearby railings, road bridges, dams, and wild shrubs. It seems that there are infinite details waiting for you to dig.

The above picture is obviously lazy, but we can still see the shape of the mountain and guess the trend of the road: there should be water under the bridge, the mountain road is winding around the foot of the mountain, and the shrubs on the mountain may be stuck near the railing.

On the other side of the post office, across the pole and parking lot, the line of sight falls on the nearby hill. The snow on the mountain hasn't melted yet, but moss seems to be emerging.

3. On the road

Road is an essential element in this animation, so our protagonists are on the road in almost every episode.

Lin rode away on a small motorcycle, and our line of sight turned to the distance. The road seemed to disappear. But if you look at it in full screen, you can clearly see the direction of the road from the bush vacancy at the foot of the mountain at the upper right corner.

I want to show this night scene, but unfortunately, because of the blog thumbnail, the distance and near are all pasted together. So let me use words to describe the feeling of seeing this shot on the full screen:

Looking at the night scene in full screen, the opposite side is not black, but has the shadow of shrubs and trees. The level of the mountain in the distance, the high light and fog on the top of the mountain, and the trend of the mountain can also be seen when you look carefully.

The end of the road is not roughly covered, but connected with the distant scenery. Look carefully, the winding road passes under the cement road bridge in the distance, drawing a long sense of space. At the end of the lamp, down the left slope, there is a faint village, where the lights at night are lonely and warm.

4. Only here

Maybe, you said that some scenes of some animations also have such effects, but only the swaying camping makes it a basic element. Therefore, watching swaying camping is not only a temporary comfort, but also a constant comfort.

In addition, this ED song is worth listening to.

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  1. Broad tree 07-26 17:40 reply

    It's time for a Holy Land tour

  2. Some coffee 09-20 12:32 reply

    Now here is the Pure Land

  3. Namco 08-21 16:07 reply

    I like it very much, but I don't like it like the second brush. It's strange