Withdrawal of young people's first AdSense income collection

It's no secret that Google AdSense is on this blog, but most visitors are programmers who open AdBlock, so they can't see the advertisement. After several years of collecting the minimum withdrawal amount, we tried AdSense wire transfer collection with Mikusa next door.

Collection process

It is very simple for Google AdSense to withdraw cash. When the minimum payment limit is reached, the background will prompt you to "add a payment method":

I use China Merchants Bank UnionPay all-in-one card to Telegraphic transfer Formal collection. Enter the AdSense background and fill in the telegraphic transfer collection information provided by China Merchants Bank robot customer service:

After adding, wait for Google's automatic telegraphic transfer on the 21st – 27th of each month.


After Google background prompted that payment had been made, the next day, that is, on 22nd Beijing time, we received a message from China Merchants Bank:

A foreign exchange can be seen in the APP of China Merchants Bank:

If you want to convert foreign exchange into RMB, you can directly settle foreign exchange in APP (8:30 – 22:00) and convert it into domestic legal currency according to the exchange rate.


Think carefully, this is the first income of more than 5 yuan since the blog has been running for 6 years. Thank you for your support.

Zimiao haunting blog (azimiao. com) All rights reserved. Please note the link when reprinting: https://www.azimiao.com/7608.html
Welcome to the Zimiao haunting blog exchange group: three hundred and thirteen million seven hundred and thirty-two thousand




Comment area

  1. Bad Fox 01-24 16:54 reply

    That's great, boss

  2. LLSK 02-07 17:36 reply


  3. firmrock 02-21 17:21 reply

    Hello, blogger! I didn't open the advertising screen.

  4. WeiCN 03-04 06:42 reply
