Annual data report of Zimiao's haunting from 2020 to 2021


According to the Gregorian calendar, one year has passed.
The following is the annual data report of Zimiao's haunting blog from 2020 to 2021.

Annual report of Zimiao


Many people say that 2020 is a very unusual year, and so is this blog.

Since its launch in April 2015, Zimiao has been online for 2138 days, equivalent to five years and nine months.


From 2020.01 to 2021.01, this blog has updated 77 articles in total, and the number of classified articles is as follows:

ranking classification number
one Zimiao Technology forty-nine
two Zimiao Essay fifteen
three Zimiao Essay thirteen


As of December 31, 2020, the statistics displayed by the third-party statistical tools are as follows:

Views (PV) Number of visitors (UV) Number of IP Jump out rate
517,759 335,574 327,596 84.93%

Compared with the same period last year, the indicators have not changed much.


Little stars in the sky, countless lights go out and shine. 2020, for most of us, is difficult and difficult. However, even in the dark days, there will also be some twinkling stars: they float in the dark sky and become one.

In the future, I hope this blog can continue to go on. Life Can Be Simple, May everything be peaceful.

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  1. Ah Cai 03-10 20:13 reply

    I like this theme very much. Ask for the name :mrgreen: