Blender uses wasd to control editor perspective movement

Recently, I need to use Blender to adjust the model, so I learned the basic operation process of Blender. In the process of use, sometimes it is not convenient to adjust the camera angle of the editor, which makes it difficult to select some points, lines and faces.

Shortcut key

Holding down the right mouse button in Unity can use wasd and qe to control the movement of the editor's perspective. Similar functions are available in Blender. The shortcut keys are:

 Shift+` (upper left corner of keyboard)

Just press shift + Upper left\ , you can enter the keyboard control perspective mode:

In this mode, use the wasd Control forward and backward, (Zimiao haunts blog azimiao. com) use mouse Control perspective, using qe To control the vertical elevation, press and hold shift Accelerate movement.

To Exit at current position In this mobile mode, click Left mouse button To Exit to the position before entering this mode , click Right mouse button

With this shortcut key, you can easily adjust the viewing angle.

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