The fitness ring adventure of Australia Asia 599 overseas shopping

Earlier this month, I bought Switch's Fitness Ring Adventure game on Amazon, Australia. After a long journey across the border, it finally arrived.


Get the delivery box, and Amazon's delivery order is printed on it. The destination is the Central transshipment warehouse. Yuantong will be forwarded in the domestic section of Central Transportation, and Yuantong's express bill will be posted on the side.

The goods in the box will be checked when the Central Warehouse leaves the warehouse, so there are two layers of tape at the seal: one is Central, and the other is Amazon.

When the box is opened, there are some shock proof air bags in addition to the body of the Fitness Ring Adventure box.

The contents are printed on the back of the box of Fitness Ring Adventure.

The game carton is not laminated, so it is very easy to open. After opening the game box, the first thing I saw was the fitness ring adventure game cassette used by Switch. Note that the cassette box is plastic sealed.

There are leg ties and Ring Con ring accessories to be used for the game under the card tape. With the game card tape, these three items are all the items in the box.

The unpacking is completed here. After that, I tried several games. After one game, I sweated a lot.

Other issues

  1. Do you clear customs and pay taxes? How much is the tax?
    Customs clearance is a matter of character. If you are selected, Central will uniformly declare and pay 65 taxes. If you are not selected, you do not need to pay taxes.
  2. How long did it take from purchase to receipt?
    About three weeks, the main time is spent on the delivery from the transfer warehouse. The local Amazon in Australia delivered the goods quickly. The goods were delivered on the same day as the delivery. It also took 4 days from Chongqing to Beijing from domestic customs clearance to receipt (if not taxed).
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Comment area

  1. Bad Fox 08-03 08:42 reply

    This investment is not bad

  2. mikusa 08-03 18:11 reply

    Wait, the party wants to wait until the new switch comes out before buying ( ̄ ̄▽ ̄)~

  3. Qin 08-04 17:13 reply

    Dude, why not? Are you busy with your work?