Screenshot of my world (Minecraft) Win10 RTX ray tracing

The first beta version of Minecraft Win10 ray tracing version, which was jointly developed by Microsoft and nVidia, was finally released. In this version, players can download the officially released scene resource package and experience the effect of real ray tracing using RTX graphics cards.

Real machine effect

I used an i7+RTX2080 device to run my world Win10 ray tracing preview. The visual distance of the game in the official resource package is about 8 – 10 blocks, and the whole process can run at 60 frames, which is relatively smooth.

1. Metal like reflection

 Metal like reflection

This picture mainly shows the application effect of RTX on metal materials. Each lamp post in the room will have correct reflection rendering on the metal surface.

2. Global lighting

 Global Illumination 1

 Global Illumination 2

In ray tracing, global light (GI) is also involved in the calculation, which makes the shadows of objects in the scene appear very natural.

3. Underwater


This is an underwater screenshot, which shows the influence of the sun on light and shade. Since the enemy's head receives direct and reflected light at a proper angle, the head is much brighter than the face, and so is the wood on the water.

4. Hard shadow and soft shadow

 Hard and soft shadows

Since the gap of the fence door can pass through light, its shadow appears soft, while the edge of the stone shadow is hard.

5. Indoor

The indoor scene is the top priority of ray tracing. In these two pictures, the global light illuminates the door, while the reflection of light in the room illuminates the whole room. The wood material and reflection are just right, which makes it feel like a fake.

make a concise evaluation

Ray tracing is a technology that simulates the reflection of real light. Its role is not to make the scene more beautiful, but to make the scene more realistic. In fact, the human eye likes high saturation images very much, which is not what ray tracing does.

Ray tracing can render the shading, shadow, refraction and reflection effects in the scene in real time, and the results of real-time operation can even match some pre rendering effects, approaching the real physical world.

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  1. c0sMx 04-18 12:26 reply

    Earth OL

  2. O Ruio 04-27 09:55 reply

    Good looking, good looking!