Bear Child Killer - A few lines of code to solve the bear child game problem

Bear Kid uses your computer to play the primary school students' league. Does the big 300 million yuan puzzle you for a long time? I happened to see a super simple method in the post bar, so I will reprint it here to learn together.
First, use TXT to write the following code and save it in VBS format. The code is as follows:

 do set bag=getobject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2") set pipe=bag.execquery("select * from win32_process where name='QQ.exe'") for each i in pipe i.terminate() next wscript.sleep 1000 loop

The code means that the system checks whether such a program as QQ.exe is run every 1000 milliseconds. If it is run, it will automatically close the program in the background, but it has no impact on other running software, absolutely no trace! 1000 milliseconds and QQ. exe can be changed to any time you need (for example, 120000 is filled in every 2 minutes of inspection, 360000 is filled in every 6 minutes of inspection), any process you need to end (for example, LOL. exe), or even all games and software fast broadcasts you want to ban~browsers!

In this way, from the perspective of others, the effect is that "why does the League of Heroes always flash back at my level 6? Why do you want to re-enter or flash back at my level 6? Why don't you break the computer? Don't play anymore?" Any software you use will automatically shut down after 6 minutes (while I am watching all this silently, snickering). You have to fill in (360000) after 6 minutes Store the created VBS in the folder C: ProgramData Microsoft Windows .

Go and have a try. Don't thank me. My name is Lei Feng.

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