The blooming Leno is the season of departure- Flash track 2Fin~(multi graph warning)

Text: The blooming Leno is the season of departure.

The petals falling all over the sky are like rain and snow. "Well... it's time to say goodbye", whistle, and the train goes to an unknown distance.
To be honest, the script of F Club is not new, maybe it is old-fashioned. However, in front of the flying petals, any criticism seems powerless. Once called for "not GAL", but today I will still be moved by it.

I can't remember when I entered the pit controlled by Pharaoh. The remaining memory is just a pirated CD. In a word, I really should thank the "Sutra Pavilion", a pirated DVD manufacturer. If it had not been for its kindness to add the "Hero Legend 6 Empty Tracks" to this "Hero Company" CD, I would have met the Tracks several years later.

In the subconscious, the script of the track always reveals the word "exquisite". No matter how grand the structure is, it is difficult to call a story complete without exquisite details, And the track is careful because it can shape a complete life

It may sound awkward. Yes, which story can not shape a complete life. But in the previous work (right, no typo wrong), the warm town of Lorient always makes people want to stay longer; The pigeons in front of the lighthouse went over and flew up with a shout; Do you still know the password of the changing power lamp for the street lamp on the Milk Street? Two little guys who ran to the Four Wheels Tower to explore, did your guerrilla journey go smoothly? Kitty, who was "abducted" by Grandma Bloom, has a delicate fragrance in her hands.

This is an exquisite story happened in Liebel.

This time it's different, very different. The flash track is still biased towards fast food. In order to cater to the taste of the new era, it has become more imperial. The warm hometown has become a simple reply point. Shops without new products will not look at it more because We no longer care about the life of an NPC Although the memory of the little girl who was abducted from Wangdu to Persia and taken to Lorient by magic has not faded, these memories have not gone back. Who told us that we only have enough time to eat fast food.

However, in such a background, there will be no touching moments, no. In Semria, hope and despair coexist, and light and darkness coexist. Our protagonists often begin their stories in the gap between the two. Turn despair into hope, turn darkness and light. Although despair and darkness cannot disappear completely, there are always some small corners within reach. When these little lights come together, they are a lighthouse.

The love and hatred of 50 meters is the story of Chloe and Lynn summarized by someone in Baidu Post Bar. Of course, he was crying. For Chloe, I just wrote more. No matter how pretentious I am in front of the great writers in the post bar, I can't match it.

Then, the woman who was most moved was the official wife, Alissa Lane Fult.

The eldest daughter of the Lane Fult family, with her proud and lovely golden ponytail. The family owned the largest weapon manufacturer of the empire, Ryan Forte, which can be described as rich and headstrong. The eldest daughter rebelled against her powerful mother and chose to study traditional bows and arrows when she was in the military academy. To a large extent, she satirized the family's weapons manufacturing career. However, as the daughter of a large family, she doesn't have any airs, and her straightforwardness has created her outspoken personality.

With the development of the game, Lynn and Alissa become more and more fettered. In the later period, the story dictated by Alissa suddenly revealed her identity as a young tame Ran. It was a winter (although it had snowed for thousands of years in Li En's hometown). When she was young, Alissa came to the Hot Spring Village and cried for some reasons. Our man appeared and presented his special skill - the snow rabbit (a rabbit made of snow and leaves). The little lady was pleased to reward it.

Let me just say that they must have known each other for a long time. Everyday, it can be seen that Alissa is obsessed with men.

Why did Alissa get the favor of the players? Except for the beautiful people, she took care of the people like her mother, lost her temper like a spoiled brat, didn't need to be seen anywhere, appeared immediately when needed, was full of love and tolerance, never abandoned, didn't cry and didn't make a fuss, and had a lot of money in her family. God, what's the reason why you don't like her. Therefore, when I see Alissa crying, as a player, I will feel the despair of having nothing left. Therefore, no matter how many weeks I play, there is only one tie for me. No one can abuse Alissa.

Two flowers, one for each. Put aside Alissa's fetters. Talk about another character, Barbary Du. In fact, this product appeared in the track of Bizhi before. As a female cavalry of the "Iron Aircraft Team", a unit directly under the Association, Du Bally is nicknamed "Shensu". She has the Shensu sword skill that can approach Levi. She visited Krosbel with Arian Hurd in Track of Green. Although she did not show too much in her previous work, in this work, her super funny character and the "crosstalk" that she sang in unison earned her the laudatory title of "cute funny Barry". It's not so interesting to say it in words. You'd better watch videos and listen to her talk crosstalk~

Whether it's the joy of meeting you again, or the caution in the face of the wanted Warcraft, whether it's the inspiration of the Liberation Academy, or the fear of the Magic City. In a word, in the grand story of the track of flash, countless flashes converge and bring us the same but different feelings.

Young people full of hope embarked on their own journey. This is the end of the story.

The blooming Leno, the season of departure, Fin~

Postscript: Miscellaneous

In fact, Flash Track 2 passed the customs at the end of 2014, and the customs clearance summary was written in January 2015. At that time, there was no [Zimiao haunts], only a free TK domain name under FREENOM+30 yuan of bad space.

Later, the host company ran away, and the website could not be opened any more. Later, the domain name was also recycled by FREENOM.

[Zimiao haunts] This little nest was born three months after that. At the beginning of its birth, its only purpose was to give itself a space to complain and act affectedly. Ali is indeed reliable. Since the birth of this small nest, it has never been on strike, and there is no need to worry about running away.

On May 30, 2016, 425 days after Xiaowo's lonely existence, a netizen named X came here through the search engine and wrote three messages. This was the first time that Xiaowo received effective messages, in addition to advertising and garbage comments. I was happy all day.

Unconsciously, I talked a little too much. The recent events are very messy and interesting. In a word, although the road ahead looks quite long, I will try my best to catch up with it~and this small nest is my spiritual bag.


·All pictures&videos are from Japan FALCOM Flash track&flash track ⅱ.

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  1. flight 06-14 10:38 reply

    Like the uncle of track series.
    After the air track trilogy, I don't play much anymore.
    This nest is very warm, thank you