What was the most valuable thing you bought in 2016? (Multi image kill Modem)

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Year after year, the monkey went to the chicken, and we sent away the tail of the little monkey.
In the past 365 days, what was the most valuable thing you bought?
A fan? a suit of clothes? A strawberry cone?
The answers of several friends were also very interesting.

Some interesting friends

@ Your Majesty (Minor, Gemini):

@ Happy Angel (Adult, Sagittarius):

@ President (Adult, Sagittarius):

@ three (Adult, Capricorn):

About the value of this blog

In fact, I didn't buy too many things this year, compared with last year.

The most valuable thing I bought this year was a headset, Chenguang Qinniao H2 (yes, it was produced by the stationery factory).
Not because the earphone is so good, but because it is not broken. I remember a TV play saying: glory lies in insipidity, difficulty lies in long time. For a headset worth tens of yuan, a year's firmness is worth its price, not to mention its voice. According to Chenguang, this earphone is a replica K314P. Look at the rising price of K314P, alas. Burn, starting at dawn.
This year also spent a lot of money 20 yuan I bought a piece of software on Android, the famous Poweramp. Needless to say, it has played local music for nearly 1000 hours.


1. [Header] [primary] yuiko Primary 14th album “SHUTTER*GIRL”

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Comment area

  1. I thought there were colored eggs at the end, you would give me something good, hahaha

  2. xema 01-23 21:29 reply

    4WD is really a childhood

  3. Time House 01-26 09:20 reply

    I wish you a happy New Year, good health and academic progress 😆

  4. WeiCN 01-26 13:19 reply

    Bad memory, I don't remember, ha

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