When nature becomes a terrorist, where will we go? - film review of Thawing

When nature becomes a terrorist, where will we go?

Global warming is becoming more and more serious. The prehistoric mammoths under the Arctic ice thaw out to the ground, and the eggs of parasitic organisms on the bodies begin to hatch, grow, and multiply

It seems like an absurd scientific fantasy, and we have reason to doubt whether creatures can survive the long frozen period.

However, on July 30, the anthrax outbreak in Russia has led to the death of a 12-year-old boy and thousands of reindeer. The Russian Emergency Information Bureau released information in 2011, believing that the global warming trend may revive the anthrax "graveyard" in the Arctic.

The power of nature has an overwhelming terror. An earthquake that is insignificant to her may kill tens of thousands of people in an instant. A tsunami can easily destroy the home that has been operated for a long time. Similarly, a sufficiently sophisticated prehistoric parasite in this film can destroy most of human society.

Nature knows us so well, both in terms of achievements and weaknesses. And do we understand nature? Humans are only one of the organisms that live 17 kilometers above the earth's crust. If the earth is compared to an egg, the process of human exploration of the earth is less than one tenth of the eggshell.

Our maximum energy can only bloom a small spark on the surface of the earth's crust, which is less than one billionth of nature. We have never reached the so-called peak of science, nor have we really possessed nature.

Maybe one day, nature will do something against our common sense, just like a parasite that has been frozen for tens of thousands of years and revived. I don't know whether people will think of Copernicus who died of illness at that time.

When nature becomes a terrorist, what can we do?

My idea is pessimistic. In the face of absolute power, any resistance seems powerless. This is probably similar to the idea of teaching my daughter in the early stage of the play. Since resistance is powerless, it's better to indulge in the rest of the day.


1. [Head picture] [Unfreeze] Screenshot
2. [Picture] [Unfreeze] Screenshot
3. [Picture] [CCTV] News Studio Russia: Anthrax outbreak in an autonomous region of Siberia

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