Cold meal confirmed: open reservation for Chinese version of Air Track FC Comprehensive Evolution of PSVita


Two articles have been written about the problem of fried cold rice. See the linkage article. The previous conjecture was confirmed.
The source of external resources has been indicated at the end of the article, which is only for reference, not the original resources of the site.


Look what I found on the official website of Joy Baishi?


China's host game market is a market full of opportunities and potential. With the further deepening of reform and opening up in the new era represented by the free trade pilot zone, this market will accept more high-quality game console manufacturers and game manufacturers.


1. [Caption] [Happy Baishi] Baishi Shopping Mall Booking the track of PSV Guoxingkong FC EVO Chapter 1 Comprehensive Evolution Simplified Chinese
2. [Picture] [Happy Baishi] Baishi Mall Booking the track of PSV Guoxingkong FC EVO Chapter 1 Comprehensive Evolution Version Simplified Chinese

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Comment area

  1. x 05-30 11:08 reply

  2. x 05-30 14:22 reply

    Hello, that bear kid's code, how to stop after using it

    • hare 05-30 14:53 reply

      Stop the task manager and delete the file