OSS object storage, AliCloud key and OSS space settings

Lao Yang 2023-09-07 Lao Yang's Memories six hundred and thirty-one

Alibaba Cloud OSS plug-in uses the key to access the console RAM:


 1. OSS object storage, AliCloud key and OSS space settings - Laoyang plug-in

The OSS plug-in must create a bucket:


It should be noted that the read/write permission must be public read. The cost of redundant storage in the same city will be higher. For others, it is better to default.

 2. OSS object storage, AliCloud key and OSS space settings - Laoyang plug-in

After creating a bucket, view the external network access domain name in the overview. You need to set the bucket domain name to the plug-in. The self defined domain name address can also be set the same as the bucket domain name.

 3. OSS object storage, AliCloud key and OSS space settings - Laoyang plug-in

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