--From extract

Women, you said that men and women should be equal, but you have many requirements for him. Girl, no man must treat you well. This sentence is given to you. In every woman's heart, you hope that the other half will cherish themselves and love themselves enough. I hope that there is only one person in his heart, who is not flowery and always single-minded, Of course, such a request is understandable, but we must know that there has never been a man in the world who has to be kind to you. All relationships should be based on the equal efforts of both parties. If one party is unbalanced, whether deeply loved or not, the relationship will become rigid. You ask him to have a house, a car, and money to buy you bags, You also ask him to have the time and energy to accompany you to enjoy life romantically. You think you deserve to be treasured by such a man, but have you ever thought about the responsibilities and difficulties of men? We can't just think about the demands on men without looking at their hardships from the perspective of each other. Let me give you an example I am a brother who is called the model of a good man around us, but he often complains to me recently. He said that he began to feel tired in this relationship It's not because you don't love, but when you continue to pay, but the other party is still ungrateful, you will begin to doubt the quality and meaning of this love. One person takes it seriously, one person takes it seriously, one person only takes it, and one person doesn't know how to return it. After all, it's not a long-term relationship. He and his girlfriend fell in love for a year. During this period, even if he is not rich, he lives in a rented house, With an ordinary salary, he has to deal with everything by himself, but he will try his best to meet all the needs of his girlfriend, buying bags, cosmetics, various brands. As long as he is there, his girlfriend will never have to pay. In addition, he will send his girlfriend's breakfast downstairs on time every morning, No matter what festival it is, he will carefully prepare gifts for her to surprise her, but his girlfriend never knows what he wants. Even though this man loves so seriously, the girl will still need the other person to call her at night no matter how busy he is. If there is no call in the evening, he does not say I love you or good night, She will play small and lose her temper, complaining that her boyfriend is no longer single-minded to her. In this relationship between two people, men are constantly satisfied, while girls are constantly demanding. Women will always feel that men are good to themselves and they should do it for a reason. But a man can always be good to you, and can always take back the good to you, If you don't cherish it, then he can naturally give these good things to others. There is never such thing as I have to treat you well between people, so don't easily consume others' love and companionship. I want to say that not every man will pay for you. He will earn money to buy what he wants, and he will always rely on men to meet his vanity and desire, You can have the shoes and bags you want, but please pay out of your own pocket. Of course, you can accept the gift he gave you, which is his love for you. But please also remember that receiving gifts is not exclusive to women. Men also need romance and surprise. You need to remember his birthday, and you need to give him a thought on Valentine's Day, No matter how tall and powerful the man around you is, he is also a treasure in the palm of his parents' hands and has experienced the same love as you. When you come to him, you become the most precious person in his world. He is willing to give everything to you, but you should not forget that he is also a human being and needs warm care and care, I also hope you can create some surprises in his life. When a friend asks about your status, his first reaction is that you should care for him. When he gets a blessing, he will have the motivation to pay for you constantly. Don't always ask for something and forget to give him the care he deserves, In fact, men are animals that always make themselves look particularly powerful, but this does not mean that they are not vulnerable, nor that they do not need your embrace and care. After all, love is just one of them in a relationship, more about how to experience this relationship. Besides, everyone is selfish in their bones, When you are kind to others, your subconscious also wants to be taken care of by them. People always know when they are late and cherish when they are lost. So don't wait until they are tired to think of their kindness and remember to be kind to them. Not everything can be mended and saved in time, Another female friend of mine learned that men also need to be loved after breaking up. She, like my brother's girlfriend, constantly accepts her boyfriend's requests, but never thinks about what he needs. One day her boyfriend worked overtime until midnight and came home. He was very tired after working overtime for several days, When I got home, I saw that the lunch box was still on the table, the clothes on the balcony that had been cold for several days had not been taken back, and the ground had not been cleaned for several days, which inevitably led to impatience. So I complained and asked her, why can't you do some cleaning? I'm so tired of working every day, so you can't clean up the house a little She was lying on the sofa watching movies as usual and chatting with her friends. She replied: "I wait for you to come back. You always do it. I'm too lazy to do it. My boyfriend suddenly became angry, perhaps because of fatigue, perhaps because of the complaints accumulated for a long time. It's me who earns money, and it's me who cleans the room when I get home in the middle of the night."? Do you really love me? I later learned that they broke up after that time. This love was not defeated by their parents' disapproval, nor by the obstacles of long-distance love, but the unequal love made people feel hard after all. Girls without that man must treat you well. Don't regard your bad temper as lovable, and don't regard his kindness and patience to you as inevitable, If you can't give him the gentleness he wants, he will naturally go to other people to seek gentleness. This is human nature and has nothing to do with love. In such a society that advocates equality between men and women, feminism is gradually filling more women's hearts. But in reality, women will say equality to men only when it is beneficial to them. When they ask for men, they always say, This is what you men should do. If you don't give me your money, who can spend it? If you don't give me your love, who can give it to? But that's not the case. He can not love you or buy gifts for you. No one has ever stipulated that he must be kind to you. In fact, both men and women have the same principle. Disappointments will gradually accumulate if the other party doesn't get the corresponding return while giving, When love can no longer support this weight, the relationship will collapse quickly. Don't wait to lose it to cherish it. When he is still around you, while he is willing to do everything for you, you will take the initiative to buy him a pack of cigarettes that he often smokes, take the initiative to wash the dishes after dinner, do simple housework, and take the initiative to create a surprise for him, No man has to be nice to you. His kindness proves that he loves you, but he has the right to take back these good things. Don't always think of asking him to buy shoes, bags and clothes for you. Please pay your love while enjoying love. These words are for you and for myself. Thank you for your support.