Generally, I don't accept links, because many people just play with websites, and don't take care to maintain them. They often can't access them directly after a period of time. So sincerity comes first, rather than simply exchanging friend chains, they can make friends from all over the world through the Internet. If you meet the following conditions, you can also apply directly, As a friend, you should open the back door directly!
Format of application friend chain: website name - website icon - website address - description
The information of this website is as follows. Please add the friend chain of this website first. The website will not be added until it has been running stably for more than 3 years. The comment area that meets the conditions can reply according to the format:

 Name: Lcry Link: head portrait: Description: Record every bit of life, just lcry's blog, share technology and enjoy life

The flow statistics of this station are roughly as follows:
 Website traffic graph
 Website traffic graph

Small black room: (The website has not been opened for 3 days without any explanation. If you cancel this website as an external link without permission, it will be displayed here)
[link href="#" title="Unannounced private cancellation of the friend chain"] IT Best Blog [/link]
[link href="#" title="Unauthorized cancellation of friend chain without notice"] LmCjl [/link]
[link href="#" title="The website cannot be opened"] Linux1991 [/link]
[link href="#" title="Unannounced cancellation of friend chain"] Titanium Navigation [/link]
[link href="#" title="Website cannot be opened"] Blog Wall [/link]
[link href="#" title="The website cannot be opened"] Zhiyuanyou18CM [/link]
[link href="#" title="The website will not be accessible on March 12, 2022 and will be cancelled"] World Website House [/link]
[link href="#" title="The website will not be accessible on March 12, 2022. Cancel"] Funoaka [/link]
[link href="#" title="The website will not be accessible on March 12, 2022. Cancel"] HKU'BLOG [/link]
[link href="#" title="The website will not be accessible on September 3, 2022"] Qin Beast [/link]
[link href="#" title="The website will not be accessible on September 3, 2022"] Loving Blog [/link]
[link href="#" title="Unauthorized cancellation of friend chain without notice"] WelphenEDM [/link]