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 Smart China Magazine

Annual pricing: RMB 436.00/year

Smart China Magazine Ministerial journals

Wisdom China

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • monthly Publication cycle
  • 10-1370/N CN
  • 2096-0999 ISSN
Competent unit: China Machinery Industry Federation
Sponsor: China Machinery Industry Economic Management Research Institute
Published in 2015
Format: B5
Published at: Beijing
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Impact factor: 0.22
Cited times: 191
Database inclusion:

Included by HowNet (middle) Included by VIP (middle) National Library Collection Collection of Shanghai Library

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Smart China Magazine

Smart China (Monthly) was founded in 2015. It is in charge of the China Machinery Industry Federation and sponsored by the China Machinery Industry Economic Management Research Institute. The CN number is 10-1370/N. Since its inception, it has received considerable attention and praise from the industry and readers.

Column setting of Smart China magazine

Smart Horizon, Smart Vision, Smart Manufacturing, Photo News, Voice of Think Tanks, Smart Life, Smart Sea Reaching, Smart Health, Smart City, Smart Information, Theory Garden

Honorary Information of Smart China Magazine

Smart China magazine subscription mode

Address: No.397, Guang'anmenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100055.

Instructions for Smart China Magazine

1. The style of the text requires that "one," "(one)," "1." and "(1)" are generally used as the levels of the article, and the main ideas are refined through short subtitles.

2. The author's detailed address, postal code, telephone number and e-mail address for timely contact.

3. Please do not submit more than one manuscript. Once found, our journal will not use your manuscript.

4. Excellent manuscripts will be submitted to participate in the thesis appraisal activity of our department and awarded with the award certificate. The author who needs the award certificate should indicate on the manuscript, or contact us on your own initiative.

5. The manuscript must provide detailed and accurate reference information, including the author's name, work name, publishing place, publishing unit, publishing year, article name, journal name and publishing time.

Smart China magazine data information

Influence factors and cited times

Number of magazine articles

Analysis of articles published by Smart China magazine

Analysis of main funded projects

Project supported References
National Undergraduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Plan (201310720013) four

Analysis of main funded projects

Funded projects References
National Undergraduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Plan four
Research Plan of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Heilongjiang Province two
Hebei Social Science Development Research Project two
Baoding Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning Research Project one
Cangzhou Social Science Development Research Project one
Hebei Soft Science Research Program one
Scientific Research Fund of Education Department of Hunan Province one
Practice and Innovation Training Program for College Students in Jiangsu Province one
Social Science Planning and Research Project of Shandong Province one
Shanxi Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning Project one
Address: No.397, Guang'anmenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100055.