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 Middle School Curriculum Counseling · Grade 9 Magazine

Middle School Curriculum Counseling · Grade 9 Magazine Provincial Journals

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • monthly Publication cycle
  • 14-1307/G4 CN
  • -- ISSN
Competent unit: Shanxi Publishing Workers Association
Sponsored by: Shanxi Publishing Workers Association
Published in 1987
Format: B5
Published at: Shanxi
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Category: Education
Database inclusion:

Included by HowNet (middle)

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Middle School Curriculum Counseling · Introduction to Grade 9 Magazine

Secondary School Curriculum Counseling · Grade 9 was first published in 1987, with a circulation of monthly, the director of Shanxi Provincial Publishers Association, and an academic journal sponsored by Shanxi Provincial Publishers Association. It is a discipline guidance magazine specially designed for ninth grade students in China. This magazine aims to help students better understand and master the school curriculum, improve learning efficiency and improve academic performance. It covers the main subjects of Chinese, mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, biology, history, geography, etc. It closely combines the syllabus and examination requirements of the education department of our country to provide comprehensive and systematic learning materials for ninth grade students.

The editorial team of the magazine is composed of experienced education experts and front-line teachers who have a deep understanding of students' learning needs and puzzles, and can provide targeted guidance and suggestions. The content design of the magazine focuses on the combination of theory and practice, including simple knowledge explanation, rich examples and exercises to help students transform theoretical knowledge into practical ability. At the same time, it also pays attention to the cultivation of students' thinking ability and innovation ability, encourages them to think actively and explore actively, and forms the habit of independent learning.

The main columns of the magazine "Middle School Curriculum Counseling · Grade Nine" include philosophy and beautiful articles, Chinese tutoring topics, review of Chinese tutoring classics, comprehensive learning of Chinese tutoring, full score composition of Chinese tutoring, math tutoring, math tutoring middle school entrance exam website, math tutoring ideas, methods, skills, English tutoring middle school entrance exam guidance, English tutoring middle school entrance exam preparation, etc. These columns are designed to help students improve their learning effects in an all-round and multi angle way.

Middle School Curriculum Counseling · Column Setting of 9th Grade Magazine

Language tutorship_ full score composition, mathematics tutorship, mathematics tutorship_ high school entrance examination website, mathematics tutorship_ ideas, methods, skills, etc

Middle School Curriculum Counseling · Honor Information of Grade 9 Magazine

Middle School Curriculum Counseling · Ninth Grade Magazine Subscription

Address: Room 2201, Block B, Jingang International Business Center, 35 Bingzhou Road, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, 030001.

Middle School Curriculum Counseling · Instructions for Submission of 9th Grade Magazine

1. The manuscript shall be reliable, accurate, creative, scientific and practical. The argument shall be novel, the argument shall be sufficient, the data shall be reliable, the writing responsibility shall be borne by itself (plagiarism is strictly prohibited), and the words shall be refined.

2. Figures and tables in the text are only attached with the most necessary ones. The pictures should be clear in black and white, and in clear layers. The table should be a three line table, and the header columns should not be too complicated. The table notes should be written on the left below the bottom line.

3. When the original text is quoted too long (generally more than three lines), the entire citation must be separated into paragraphs and indented two characters to the left. The paragraph font is 5 point regular script without quotation marks.

4. The introduction should briefly introduce the background and purpose of the paper, the work done by predecessors in relevant fields, the existing problems, and the theme and characteristics of this study. Note: the introduction should not contain formulas or charts.

5. The first author's name, year of birth, gender, nationality (the Han nationality can be omitted), native place, professional title, and degree should be marked with "Introduction to the author:" and placed at the foot of the first page.

6. The explanation and explanation of the specific content of the text, as well as the description of unpublished materials and "quoted from" and other documents, shall be marked with circle code and annotated below the page.

7. The chapter numbers in the text are sorted by three levels of titles: the first level titles are in the form of; The secondary title is in the form of... sort; The third level titles are like... sort.

8. This journal adopts an expert review system. According to the article editing process, all contributions will be selected. Do not submit more than one contribution.

9. If there are fund projects or other funded projects in the contributions, please list the type, name and number of fund or other funded projects in detail. In principle, there are no more than three fund projects or other funded projects in each contribution.

10. The abstract should be the enrichment and refinement of the main content of the paper. It is required to be expressed in "[abstract]". It should not use evaluation language such as "this article believes" and "the author believes". The number of words should be less than 300.

Middle School Curriculum Counseling · Example of Grade 9 Magazine

Address: Room 2201, Block B, Jingang International Business Center, No. 35, Bingzhou Road, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, 030001. This website only displays historical information, and does not provide any services.